Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Geography & the Environment Department
Wilson Discusses Why Wildfire Smoke is No Longer Solely a West Coast Problem in The Hill
"Before this week, it was easy for those of us in the East to think that suffocating wildfire smoke was solely a West Coast problem. But no longer. The smoke clouding our skies, scratching our throats and watering our eyes shows we’re all Westerners now," writes Robert Wilson, associate professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Canada, Climate Change, Natural Disasters, United States, Wildfires
Future Facing: Maxwell Scholars Respond to the Rapid Rise of AI and Autonomous Systems
Amid the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, Maxwell scholars are gathering critical data, designing policy and informing future leaders.
See related: Autonomous Systems, Data Privacy, Ethics, Student Experience
Huber Discusses His Book, “Climate Change as Class War” on Future Histories Podcast
"So if we can pair climate decarbonization with more increased secure access to people's basic material needs, you could start to build a much broader popular base," says Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Climate Change, United States
Koch Quoted in The Hill Article on Saudi Arabian Alfalfa Farms in Arizona
“If they [Saudi Arabia] want to be able to guarantee their population food security, they know that they can’t really do that domestically,” says Natalie Koch, professor of geography and the environment. The Arizonan land was particularly appealing to the kingdom “because you can get more bang for your buck when you buy that farm,” says Koch.
See related: Agriculture, Middle East & North Africa, United States, Water
University Announces 2023-24 Remembrance Scholars
“The Remembrance Scholars represent the future while honoring the past, which is both a great privilege and a great responsibility,” says Vice Chancellor and Provost Gretchen Ritter. “This year’s students, who have demonstrated strong leadership skills and a commitment to service, are up to the task. As with those who were tragically lost nearly 35 years ago, we are proud that these students are members of our University community.”
See related: Awards & Honors, Student Experience
Climate Investor Tom Steyer Tells Students, ‘We Can’t Accept People Shirking Their Responsibility’
The 2020 presidential candidate and former hedge fund manager visited the Maxwell School as part of the inaugural Sustainable Syracuse series.
See related: Climate Change, Social Justice, Student Experience, Sustainability, U.S. Elections
Koch Discusses Saudi Arabian Farms Using Water From Arizona and California in KUSA Article
“If you can invest the capital to drill a deep well that can get deep into the groundwater supply, then you can really pump as much as you want,” says Natalie Koch, professor of geography and the environment. “This was appealing to the Saudis as well to go [to La Paz County], where they’re not being charged for water they extract because there’s no measuring of it.”
See related: Agriculture, Middle East & North Africa, United States, Water
Huber Weighs in on NY Using Nuclear Power to Reach Its Climate Goals in City & State Article
“It’s a generational thing,” says Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment. “A lot of younger generations are really fixated on climate and understand that nuclear is one our best options to deal with climate, so we gotta keep it on the table.”
See related: Climate Change, Energy, New York State
Coffel Quoted in CNN Article on the Increase in Number of MLB Home Runs and Climate Change
“The authors show that the effect of warming on home runs is less for indoor stadiums and night games, making a somewhat controlled experiment,” says Ethan Coffel, assistant professor of geography and the environment. “There may have been other changes to gameplay or equipment which could have also affected trends in home runs, but one might not expect those things to differ between indoor and outdoor stadiums or night versus day games.”
See related: Climate Change, United States
Coffel Speaks to Newsweek About the Effects Climate Change Has on Flying
"There are three primary effects [of climate change on flying]: a reduction in payload capacity for some flights because of rising temperatures, an increase in clear air turbulence on some flight routes, and changes in fuel consumption on some routes due to changes in upper level wind speeds," says Ethan Coffel, assistant professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Climate Change, Infrastructure, United States