Books by Maxwell School Faculty

Breaking Sudan: The Search for Peace
Jok Madut Jok
One World Publicaitons, 2017
Africa (Sub-Saharan), Middle East & North Africa

International Economic Integration and Domestic Performance
Mary E. Lovely
World Scientific Publishing, 2017

Janet M. Wilmoth and Merril Silverstein
Routledge, 2017

The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State?
Michael R. Ebner
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

Patents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History
Mark Monmonier
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

The Infidel and the Professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the Friendship That Shaped Modern Thought
Dennis C. Rasmussen
Princeton University Press, 2017

Perspectives on Waging Conflicts Constructively: Concepts, Cases and Practice
Bruce Dayton, Louis Kriesberg, editors
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2017

The Peace of the Gods: Elite Religious Practices in the Middle Roman Republic
Craige B. Champion
Princeton University Press, 2017
Europe, Religion

A Glass Half Full? Rebalance, Reassurance, and Resolve in the U.S.-China Strategic Relationship
James B. Steinberg
Brookings Institute Press, 2017