The day all health breaks loose!
Healthy Monday

The Healthy Monday Refresh
Syracuse University's Lerner Center was established in 2011 thanks to a generous gift from Sid and Helaine Lerner. After retiring from a successful career in advertising, Sid Lerner turned his attention to improving public health and launched the Monday Campaigns in the early-2000s to motivate people to view Monday as the day we collectively dedicate ourselves to better health. Please join us in celebrating Sid’s life and learning about his impactful contributions to public health.
DeStress Monday
DeStress Monday highlights Monday as a day to start fresh mentally and emotionally. DeStress Monday supports a positive perspective for the week by offering evidence-based tools like mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, meditations, and kindness and gratitude activities.

Meatless Monday
Meatless Monday doesn’t mean you have to give up eating meat, but rather use Monday as a day to increase your intake of plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. It’s a reminder to be mindful of the food you eat and the choices you make. Once a week, we give you an opportunity to get your daily nutrients and try a new food!
Move It Monday and Monday Mile
Move it Monday is an international Healthy Monday campaign that encourages people to start off the week with exercise. For tips, workouts and Monday motivation, visit
The Monday Mile is a one-mile route mapped out as a way to increase physical activity and connection with others.

Quit and Stay Quit Monday
Quit and Stay Quit Monday (QSQM) is a tobacco cessation tool designed by The Monday Campaigns in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control and the Lerner Center for Public Health Advocacy at Johns Hopkins University. QSQM encourages people to quit, re-quit or recommit to quitting smoking every Monday.