Breaking Isolation: Self Care for When Coronavirus Quarantine Ends
This brief describes how prolonged periods of solitude affect our mental health and provides some strategies for how we can protect our mental and emotional health as we reengage with society.
COVID-19 Mortality Rates are Higher among People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Despite higher risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), there has been limited reporting of COVID-19 trends for this population. This research brief shows that higher COVID-19 case fatality rates among people with IDD. Risk is especially high among people are younger ages.
Why Monitoring your Media Consumption during COVID-19 is Important
This brief explains how too much media consumption (including the news) can affect your psychological and physiological wellbeing and provides strategies for monitoring your media consumption.
Public Health Side Effect of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Screen Time-Related Eye Strain & Eye Fatigue
While technologies help us stay connected and enable us to get the resources we need, too much screen time can lead to eye strain, headaches, and neck and back pain.
Let Them Eat Lunch: The Impact of Universal Free Meals on Student Performance
Children need healthy and balanced meals to perform well in school. Universal Free Meal programs improve English and Math test scores and may even reduce obesity among middle school students. District and school leaders nationwide should consider adopting this program.
Making Meaning during Coronavirus
This brief discusses why meaning matters and how we might reflect on what we learned about ourselves from the COVID-19 pandemic to make more intentional meaning in our lives.
Grandmothers at Work during Coronavirus
COVID-19 is reshaping the lives of working grandmothers in the U.S. This brief draws on in-depth interviews and grandmothers’ stories to show how the coronavirus is redefining the lives of working grandmothers.
Risky Business: Recognizing the Flaws of Employer-Based Health Insurance during COVID-19
This brief discusses the implications of binding health insurance to employment during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
COVID-19 & Pneumonia: Increased Risk for Individuals with Disabilities during the Pandemic
This brief describes the implications of higher rates of pneumonia among individuals with IDD for increased risk of serious complications (including death) from COVID-19.
How to Help Children Develop Emotional Resilience during Coronavirus
Children are more vulnerable than adults to the emotional impact of traumatic events that disrupt their normal lives.
Potential Impact of COVID on Individuals with Disability: Call for Accurate Cause of Death Reporting
Why might the COVID19 case fatality rate be higher among people with intellectual and development disabilities?
Geographic Disparities in COVID-19 Testing: An Urgent Call to Action
This research brief shows that testing rates are lower in states with the unhealthiest populations and worst health care access. Disparities in testing rates are troubling because delays in testing increase the risk of a surge in silent spread and severe COVID-19 cases in these states.
The Gig is Up: Supporting Non-Standard Workers Now and After Coronavirus
This issue brief discusses the specific COVID-19 related challenges of three gig work populations: rideshare and delivery drivers; hair stylists, barbers, and aestheticians; and sex workers.
Tips for Communicating with Older Adults about COVID-19
This brief describes strategies on how to effectively communicate with this population while keeping their comfort and safety in mind.
COVID-19 Testing Rates are Lower in States with More Black and Poor Residents
This data slice shows that testing rates to date have been lower in states with higher percent black populations and higher poverty rates. Without proper testing and physical distancing protocols, these states risk a surge in severe COVID-19 cases, overwhelming their already resource strapped healthcare systems.
Promoting Diversity on Campuses Means Supporting Persons in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders
College students who struggle with substance use disorders often experience decreased motivation, poorer academic performance, social isolation, and lower retention rates. This issue brief examines how Collegiate Recovery Programs help students in recovery from substance use disorders remain sober and excel academically.
COVID-19 is a Major Risk to New York State’s Older Veterans
The older adult veteran population is at high risk of contracting COVID-19. New York State’s veterans are concentrated in geographic areas with rapidly increasing COVID-19 case counts. As the virus continues to spread, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) must prepare to provide coronavirus treatments to older adult veterans in NYS.
NYS’s Older Adults in Assisted Living Facilities Need All of Us to Help Them Avoid the Coronavirus
This data slice aims to advocate for the health and safety of older adults and features an interactive map showing the saturation of assisted living facilities in New York State.
COVID Cases Clustered in Large Urban Hubs, Rural Areas Surrounding Hubs Also Increasingly Affected
As COVID-19 continues to evolve, we are seeing more cases in urban areas, however, this data slice shows where trends are heading next.
Why Coronavirus Could Hit Rural Areas Harder
As rates of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and death continue to rise, it is important to consider how rural areas may be differentially affected. Rural economies may also be affected in different ways than their urban counterparts, which has implications for long-term rural population health outcomes.