Janet M. Wilmoth
Professor, Sociology Department
Director, Aging Studies Institute
Dissemination Core Lead, Center for Aging and Policy Studies
Senior Research Associate, Autonomous Systems Policy Institute
Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health
Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research
- 2024 Fall
- SOC 606 Quantitative Research Design
- 2023 Spring
- SOC 714 Intermediate Social Statistics
Highest degree earned
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"Center for Aging and Policy Studies", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Assessing the Needs of Older New Yorkers: A County-Level Analysis of ACS Data", Sponsored by Association on Aging in New York.
"Movement for Healthy Aging", Sponsored by NYS Office of Children and Family Services.
"Movement for Healthy Aging Initiative", Sponsored by Health Foundation for Western and Central New York.
"Military Service Status and Financial Capability", Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase.
Selected Publications
- Books
- Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, 9th Edition. Ferraro, K. F., Carr, D., Idler, E., Freedman, V. and Wilmoth, J. M. (eds.) Elsevier, 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., Life-Course Implications of US Public Policy. Routledge, 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., Silverstein, M. D., Later-Life Social Support and Service Provision in Diverse and Vulnerable Populations: Understanding Networks of Care. Routledge, 2017.
- Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, 8th Edition. George, L. K., Ferraro, K. F., Carr, D., Wilmoth, J. M. and Wolf, D. (eds.) Elsevier, 2015.
- Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues, 4th Edition. Wilmoth, J. M., Ferraro, K. (eds.) Springer Publishing, 2013.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., Life-course perspectives on military service. Routledge, 2013.
- Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues, 3rd Edition. Ferraro, K., Wilmoth, J. M. (eds.) Springer Publishing, 2007.
- Journal Articles
- Heffernan, K. S., Wilmoth, J. M. and London, A. S., "Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity Is Associated With a Higher Risk of Dementia in the Health and Retirement Study." American Journal of Hypertension, 2024.
- Cheng, K. J., Wilmoth, J. M., "Socioeconomic Determinants of Anticipated and Actual Caregiving for Older Adults in India." The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 2023.
- Landes, S. D., Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. and Landes, A. T., "Risk Factors Explaining Military Deaths From Suicide, 2008–2017: A Latent Class Analysis." Armed Forces and Society, 2023.
- Heffernan, K. S., Wilmoth, J. M. and London, A. S., "Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity and All-Cause Mortality: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study." Innovation in Aging, 2022.
- Landes, S. D., Wilmoth, J. M., McDonald, K. E. and Smith, A. N., "Racial-ethnic inequities in age at death among adults with/without intellectual and developmental disability in the United States." Preventive Medicine, 2022.
- Landes, S. D., London, A. S. and Wilmoth, J. M., "Service-Connected Disability and the Veteran Mortality Disadvantage." Armed Forces and Society, 2021.
- Landes, S. D., McDonald, K. E., Wilmoth, J. M. and Carter Grosso, E., "Evidence of continued reduction in the age-at-death disparity between adults with and without intellectual and/or developmental disabilities." Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. and Landes, S. D., "A Population-Based Perspective on Health Care for U.S. Veterans." Public Policy and Aging Report, 2020.
- London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M., Oliver, W. J. and Hausauer, J. A., "The Influence of Military Service Experiences on Current and Daily Drinking." Substance Use and Misuse, 2020.
- Marini, C. M., Fiori, K. L., Wilmoth, J. M., Pless Kaiser, A. and Martire, L. M., "Psychological Adjustment of Aging Vietnam Veterans: The Role of Social Network Ties in Reengaging with Wartime Memories." Gerontology, 2020.
- Book Chapters
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., "An introduction to life-course perspectives on public policies." In Life-Course Implications of U.S. Public Policies. Routledge, 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., "The role of the military in women's lives." In Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. , 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., Landes, S. D., London, A. D. and MacLean, A., "Appendix: Recommendations for Defining Periods of Military Service and Corresponding Age-18 Cohorts." In Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans. Spiro III, A., Settersten Jr., R. A. and Aldwin, C. M. (eds.) American Psychological Association Press, 2018.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. and Oliver, W. J., "Military Service Experiences and Men’s Later-Life Self-Rated Health Trajectories." In Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans. Spiro III, A., Settersten Jr., R. A. and Aldwin, C. M. (eds.) American Psychological Association Press, 2018.
- Silverstein, M., London, A. S. and Wilmoth, J. M., "Nationalism and Patriotism among World War II Veterans and their Baby-Boom Children." In Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans. Spiro III, A., Settersten Jr., R. A. and Aldwin, C. M. (eds.) American Psychological Association Press, 2018.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., "Characteristics of Veterans and Non-Veterans within Twentieth-Century Cohorts in the United States." In The Civilian Lives of U.S. Veterans. Hicks, L., Weiss, E. L. and Coll, J. E. (eds.) Praeger Publishing, 2017.
- London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M. and Dutton, C., "What Do We Know About Veteran Status Differences in Social Attitudes?." In The Civilian Lives of U.S. Veterans. Hicks, L., Weiss, E. L. and Coll, J. E. (eds.) Praeger Publishing, 2017.
- Book Reviews
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Review of J. Quadagno, One Nation Uninsured: Why the U.S. Has No National Health Insurance." Social Forces, 2006.
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Synthesis Across disciplines: Examples from Research on Family Relationships in Later Life." The Gerontologist, 2002.
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Review of R. P. Cuzzort and J. S. Vrettos, The Elementary Forms of Statistical Reason." Teaching Sociology, 1997.
- Conference Proceeding
- Wilmoth, J. M., Longino, C. F., "Demographic trends that will shape U.S. policy in the twenty-first century." In Research on Aging. , 2006.
- Encyclopedia Entries
- London, A. S., Landes, S. D. and Wilmoth, J. M., "Service-Connected Disability and Poverty Among US Veterans." In OUP Handbook on the Sociology of Disability. , 2022.
- Wang, R., Wilmoth, J. M., "Demography of Aging." In Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley Blackwell Pub, 2016.
- London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M., ""Military Service" and "G.I. Bill"." In Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development. Carr, D., Crosnoe, R., Hughes, M. E. and Pienta, A. (eds.) Gale, 2008.
- Longino, C., Wilmoth, J. M., "Demography of Aging." In Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
- Instructional Materials
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Aging and Society." In Teaching Sociology of Aging: A Handbook of Syllabi and Instructional Material. Harris, D. (ed.) American Sociological Association.
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Chapter 5: Sociodemographic Aspects." In Geriatric Psychiatry Self-Assessment Program. Cheong, J. A., Blank, K., Kirwin, P. D., Lantz, M. S., Lyness, J. M., Steffens, D. C. and Van Gerpen, M. W. (eds.) American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 2004.
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Social Gerontology." In Teaching Sociology of Aging: A Handbook of Syllabi and Instructional Material. Harris, D. (ed.) American Sociological Association, 2000.
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Sociology of Aging and the Life Course." In The Life Course: A Handbook of Syllabi and Instructional Material. Owens, T., Pavalko, E. (eds.) American Sociological Association, 1997.
- Others
- Zemba, S., Wilmoth, J. M., "Older immigrants are more likely than older nonimmigrants to experience loneliness." Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Roberts, K. E., Wilmoth, J. M. and Monnat, S. M., "Resilience is Low among Military and Non-Military Populations with PTSD." Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Landes, S. D., Mehri, N. and Wilmoth, J. M., "Introducing the Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Age-at-Death Data Tracker." Population Health Research Brief Series, 2021.
- London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M., Oliver, W. J. and Hausauer, J. A., "The Influence of Military Service on Current and Daily Drinking." Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A., Report on the Demographic, Disability, and Industry Characteristics in the Southeast DBTAC Region. , 2006.
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Social Integration of Older Immigrants in the 21st Century." Syracuse University, Center for Policy Research, Policy Brief, 2004.
- Jong, G. D., Cornwell, G. and Wilmoth, J. M., "The Well-being of Children and Youth in Pennsylvania: Demographic Trends." Pennsylvania State Data Center Report, 1993.
- Research Brief
- Sako, K., Wilmoth, J. M., "How did cognitive status impact health care use among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic?." Population Health Research Brief Series, 2024.
- Review, Journal
- Wilmoth, J. M., "Questions and Comments about National, Externally Graded Assessment Exams: A Response to Wagenaar." Teaching Sociology, 2004.
Presentations and Events
Heffernan, K. S., Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, "Estimated Arterial Stiffness, Cognitive Decline, and Dementia among Middle-Aged and Older Adults" (November 11, 2023)
London, A. S., Landes, S. D., Wilmoth, J. M., Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, "Noncombat and Combat Military Service Experiences, Hearing Difficulty, and Difficulty Remembering/Concentrating" (November 8, 2023)
Heffernan, K., Wilmoth, J. M., London, A., Center for Aging and Policy Studies Annual Conference, "Estimated Arterial Stiffness as a Predictor of Cognitive Decline and Dementia in Middle-Aged and Older Adults" (2022)
Friedman, S., Wilmoth, J. M., Mutambudzi, M., Center for Aging and Policy Studies Annual Conference, "Redlining Policy and Later-Life Mortality: An Exploratory Analysis of the Linked HRS-1940 Census Data" (2022)
Friedman, S., Li, R., Lee, J., Wilmoth, J. M., Mutambudzi, M., Healthy Aging Symposium, University of Albany, "Redlining Policy and Racial Disparities in Later Life Health" (2022)
Lee, Y., Wilmoth, J. M., Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, "Intergenerational relationships, social support, and psychological well-being among Korean older adults" (November, 2021)
Heffernan, K., Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, "Race/ethnicity, vascular aging, and mortality risk: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study" (November, 2021)
Chubb, R., Wilmoth, J. M., Virtual annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, "Assessing the Impact of Older Americans Act-Funded Services on Caregiver Stress" (2020)
Lee, Y., Wilmoth, J. M., Virtual annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, "Intergenerational Relationships, Social Support, and Psychological Well-Being among Korean Older Adults" (2020)
Cheng, K. J., Landes, S., Wilmoth, J. M., Virtual annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, "Risk Aversion among Male Older Adults: Does Veteran Status Matter?" (2020)
Friedman, S., Wilmoth, J. M., Warren, R., Van Ripper, D., Li, R., Jeung, S., Lee, J., Fang, C., CenSoc Users Conference, "Early-Life Residence in Redlined Neighborhoods and Later-Life Mortality: A Novel Analysis of HOLC Grades and CenSoc-Numident Data" (December 6, 2024)
Cheng, K., Wilmoth, J. M., Population Association of America Annual Meeting, "The Role of State-Leve Welfare Generosity and Intergenerational Transfers among U.S. Older Adults" (April, 2024)
Honors and Accolades
Outstanding Mentor Award, American Sociological Association, Section on Aging and the Life Course (August, 2023)