Peter Wilcoxen
Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence
Director, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Policy Studies
Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research
- 2025 Spring
- PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis
- PAI 300 Selected Topics - Economics for Policy Analysis
- 2024 Fall
- PAI 723 Economics for Public Decisions
- PST 470 Experience Credit
- PST 499 Honors Capstone Project
- PAI 300 Selected Topics - Economics for Policy Analysis
- 2024 Summer
- PAI 670 Experience Credit
- 2024 Spring
- PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis
- PAI 770 Climate Change: Science, Perception, and Law
- PAI 670 Experience Credit
- PAI 300 Selected Topics - Economics for Policy Analysis
- 2023 Fall
- PAI 723 Economics for Public Decisions
- PAI 670 Experience Credit
- PAI 300 Selected Topics - Economics for Policy Analysis
- 2023 Summer
- PAI 670 Experience Credit
- 2023 Spring
- PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis
- PAI 670 Experience Credit
- PAI 300 Selected Topics - Economics for Policy Analysis
Highest degree earned
Peter Wilcoxen is a professor of public administration and international affairs, a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence and a senior research associate in the Center for Policy Research. He also serves as director of the Maxwell School's Center for Environmental Policy and Administration.
Pete’s principal area of study is the effect of environmental and energy policies on economic growth, international trade and the performance of individual industries. He has published numerous articles and co-authored two books: one on the design of an international policy to control climate change, and one on the design and construction of large-scale economic models. Since 1995, he has served as a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Pete received a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard in 1989.
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"NYS Connects: Climate Smart Farms & Forests", Sponsored by Department of Agriculture.
"Identifying Economic Impacts of Inundation On New York's Lake Ontario Water Resources through Research and Engagement", Sponsored by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce.
"Cybersecurity Risks of dynamic, two-way distributed electricity markets: SBE: Small", Sponsored by National Science Foundation.
"NRT: Education Model Program on Water-Energy Research (EMPOWER) at Syracuse University", Sponsored by National Science Foundation.
"Data Center Optimization - Green Data Centers/Data Center Dashboard", Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase.
Selected Publications
- Books
- Jorgenson, D. W., Goettle, R. J., Ho, M. S. and Wilcoxen, P., Double Dividend: Environmental Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the United States. MIT Press, 2013.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., Climate Change after Kyoto: Blueprint for a Realistic Approach. Brookings, 2002.
- Dixon, P. B., Parmenter, B. R., Wilcoxen, P. and Powell, A. A., Notes and Problems in Applied General Equilibrium Analysis. North-Holland, 1992.
- Journal Articles
- Dedrick, J., Perrin, K. A., Sabaghian, E. and Wilcoxen, P., "Assessing cyber attacks on local electricity markets using simulation analysis: Impacts and possible mitigations." Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2023.
- Vasilakos, P. N., Shen, H., Mehdi, Q., Wilcoxen, P., Driscoll, C., Fallon, K., Burtraw, D., Domeshek, M. and Russell, A. G., "US Clean Energy Futures—Air Quality Benefits of Zero Carbon Energy Policies." Atmosphere, 2022.
- Liu, W., McKibbin, W. J., Morris, A. C. and Wilcoxen, P., "Global economic and environmental outcomes of the Paris Agreement." Energy Economics, 2020.
- McKibbin, W. J., Morris, A. C., Wilcoxen, P. and Panton, A. J., "Climate change and monetary policy: Issues for policy design and modelling." Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2020.
- McFarland, J. R., Fawcett, A. A., Morris, A. C., Reilly, J. M. and Wilcoxen, P., "OVERVIEW of the EMF 32 STUDY on U.S. CARBON TAX SCENARIOS." Climate Change Economics, 2018.
- McKibbin, W. J., Morris, A. C., Wilcoxen, P. and Liu, W., "THE ROLE of BORDER CARBON ADJUSTMENTS in A U.S. CARBON TAX." Climate Change Economics, 2018.
- Jorgenson, D. W., Goettle, R. J., Ho, M. S. and Wilcoxen, P., "THE WELFARE CONSEQUENCES of TAXING CARBON." Climate Change Economics, 2018.
- Book Chapters
- Wilcoxen, P., "Dale W. Jorgenson and Peter J. Wilcoxen (1990), ‘Environmental Regulation and U.S. Economic Growth’, Rand Journal o f Economics, 21, pp. 314-40." In Economic Costs and Consequences of Environmental Regulation. Routledge, 2018.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "The Economic and Environmental Effects of Border Tax Adjustments for Climate Policy." In Climate Change, Trade and Competitiveness. Brainerd, L., Sorkin, I. (eds.) The Brookings Institution, 2009.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Woo, W. T., "China Can Grow and Still Help Prevent the Tragedy of the CO2 Commons." In China’s Dilemma: Economic Growth, the Environment and Climate Change. Song, L., Woo, W. T. (eds.) ANU E Press and Asia Pacific Press, 2008.
- Wilcoxen, P., Jorgenson, D. W., "The Economic Impact of Fundamental Tax Reform." In United States Tax Reform in the 21st Century. Zodrow, G., Mieskowski, P. (eds.) Cambridge University, 2002.
- Wilcoxen, P., "What's wrong with the Kyoto protocol? There is a better policy for addressing global climate change." In Global Warming and the Kyoto Accord: What Is To Be Done?. Eaton, D. J. (ed.) University of Texas at Austin, 2001.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "Beyond the Kyoto Protocol." In The Sustainable Future of the Global System III. F, L., H, T. and Cooray, N. (eds.) United Nations University Press, 2000.
- Wilcoxen, P., "The Cost of Capital and The Economics of the Environment." In Econometrics and the Cost of Capital. Lau, L. J. (ed.) MIT Press, 2000.
- Conference Proceedings
- Mojdehi, M. N., Ghosh, P. and Wilcoxen, P. J., "Market equilibrium of distribution network with alternative energy resources." In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE). IEEE, 2013.
- McKibbin, W. J., Wilcoxen, P., "A global approach to energy and the environment: The G-cubed model." In Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling. , 2013.
- Jorgenson, D. W., Jin, H., Slesnick, D. T. and Wilcoxen, P., "An econometric approach to general equilibrium modeling." In Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling. , 2013.
- Jorgenson, D. W., Goettle, R. J., Ho, M. S. and Wilcoxen, P., "Energy, the environment and US economic growth." In Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling. , 2013.
- Ari, S., Wilcoxen, P., Khalifa, H. E., Dannenhoffer, J. F. and Isik, C., "A practical approach to individual thermal comfort and energy optimization problem." In Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. , 2008.
- Ari, S., Khalifa, H. E., Dannenhoffer, J. F., Wilcoxen, P. and Isik, C., "Generating a fuzzy logic system from optimized numerical models." In Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. , 2007.
- Ari, S., Khalifa, H. E., Dannenhoffer, J. F., Wilcoxen, P. and Isik, C., "Fuzzy logic and neural network approximation to indoor comfort and energy optimization." In Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. , 2006.
- Opinion Pieces
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A., "China’s Carbon Tax Highlights the Need for a New Track of Climate Talks." East Asia Forum, 2013.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A., "Time for a Price Collar on Carbon.", 2009.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "Managing Price and Targets: Why a Hybrid Policy is Better for Australia." Climate Change: Getting It Right, Committee for the Economic Development of Australia, 2007.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "The Next Step for Climate Change Policy." Brookings Institution Background Paper, 2006.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "Better Climate Change Options." Australian Financial Review, 2004.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "A Practical and Sustainable Policy for Climate Change." New Economy, 2002.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., "Climate Change After Kyoto." Brookings Review, 2002.
- Policy Briefs
- Wilcoxen, P., Driscoll, C., Lambert, K. F., Russell, A., Burtraw, D., Domeshek, M., Medhi, Q., Shen, H. and Vasilakos, P., "An 80x30 Clean Electricity Standard: Carbon, Costs, and Health Benefits." Clean Energy Futures Project, 2021.
- Wilcoxen, P., Driscoll, C., Lambert, K. F., Medhi, Q., Acoba, J., Downey, K., Etheridge, A., Scheibmeir, A. and Smith, K., Clean Energy Futures Data Explorer. , 2021.
- Wilcoxen, P., Liu, W., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A., "Global Economic and Environmental Outcomes of the Paris Agreement." Discussion Paper, The Brookings Institution, 2019.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J., Morris, A. and Panton, A. J., "Climate Change and Monetary Policy: Dealing with Disruption." Policy Brief, The Brookings Institution, 2017.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A., "Pricing Carbon." Policy Brief, The Brookings Institution, 2015.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A., "A Climate Diplomacy Proposal: Carbon Pricing Consultations." Policy Brief, Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, 2013.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A., "Achieving Comparable Effort through Carbon Price Agreements." Policy Brief, Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, 2009.
- Technical Reports
- Wilcoxen, P., "Science Advisory Board Report titled Technical Review of EPA’s Computable General Equilibrium Model, SAGE." EPA-SAB-20-010, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2020.
- Wilcoxen, P., "Science Advisory Board Consideration of the Scientific and Technical Basis of the EPA’s Proposed Rule titled The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021–2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks." EPA-SAB-20-003, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2020.
- Wilcoxen, P., "Science Advisory Board Advice on the Use of Economy-Wide Models in Evaluating the Social Costs, Benefits, and Economic Impacts of Air Regulations." EPA-SAB-17-012, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A. C., "China’s Carbon Future: A Model-Based Analysis." Brookings Climate and Energy Economics Discussion Paper, 2015.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Adele, A. C., "Controlling Carbon Emissions from U.S. Power Plants: How a Tradable Performance Standard Compares to a Carbon Tax." Brookings Climate and Energy Economics Discussion Paper, 2015.
- Wilcoxen, P., Chapin, S. J., Liu, Y., McMillin, B., Seltzer, W. and Wunsch, D. C., Incorporating Privacy and Trust into Models of Resource-Constrained Cyber-Physical Systems. , 2015.
- Wilcoxen, P., McKibbin, W. J. and Morris, A. C., "The Economic Consequences of Delay in U.S. Climate Policy." Brookings Climate and Energy Economics Discussion Paper, 2014.
Presentations and Events
Public Panel Session on Climate Policy, SUNY Oswego (October, 2019)
Assoc. of Env. and Res. Economists Annual Conference (May, 2019)
Workshop on Transitional Labor Dynamics (December, 2018)
Syracuse Center of Excellence (September, 2017)
Energy Modeling Forum (February, 2017)
Honors and Accolades
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence, Syracuse University (2016 - 2019)