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Chen, Popp article on green stimulus in a post-pandemic recovery published in ERE

Aug 4, 2021

Green Stimulus in a Post-pandemic Recovery: the Role of Skills for a Resilient Recovery

Ziqiao Chen, Giovanni Marin, David Popp & Francesco Vona

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, December 2020

David Popp

David Popp

As nations struggle to restart their economy after COVID-19 lockdowns, calls to include green investments in a pandemic-related stimulus are growing. Yet little research provides evidence of the effectiveness of a green stimulus. The authors begin by summarizing recent research on the effectiveness of the green portion of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on employment growth. Green investments are most effective in communities whose workers have the appropriate “green” skills. The authors then provide new evidence on the skills requirements of both green and brown occupations, as well as from occupations at risk of job losses due to COVID-19, to illustrate which workers are most likely to benefit from a pandemic-related green stimulus. They find similarities between some energy sector workers and green jobs, but a poor match between green jobs and occupations at risk due to COVID-19. Finally, we provide suggestive evidence on the potential for job training programs to help ease the transition to a green economy.