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Noam Ebner (Creighton University) & Yael Efron (Zefat Academic College)
July 29, 2021

Creating a Community Partnership

Keith Provan & Brint Milward (University of Arizona)
July 29, 2021

Balancing Competition within a Homeless Services Provider Network

Kelly LeRoux (University of Illinois at Chicago)
July 29, 2021

Model EU-European Council-European Agenda on Migration Simulation

Noam Ebner (Creighton University), Alexandru Balas & Andreas Kotelis (SUNY Cortland)
July 29, 2021

A Struggle for Power and Control over Service Delivery in the Non-Profit Sector

Melissa Brazil and Eli Teram (Wilfrid Laurier University)
July 29, 2021

Collaborative Solutions to Transportation, Land Use and Community Design Issues

Jeff Loux (University of California, Davis)
July 29, 2021

Developing a Young Professionals Network for the Arts

Thomas A. Bryer & Kristin N. Stewart (University of Central Florida)
July 29, 2021

Education in Adlabad

Tina Nabatchi (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021

See related: Education

Emergency Management and Homeland Security: Interagency Collaboration - Emergency!

David E. Booher and Adam Sutkus (California State University Sacramento)
July 29, 2021

Exercise in Environmental Collaborative Planning

Mike George (University of Nebraska)
July 29, 2021

An International Conflict Management Simulation

Noam Ebner (Creighton University), Yael Efron & Nellie Munin (Zefat Academic College)
July 29, 2021

Fracked: Uncertainties in Negotiated Rule Making

Rob Alexander, Natalie Abel & Matthew Williams (James Madison University)
July 29, 2021

Gray Wolf: Fairness and Justice in Collaborative Governance

Lauren Elizabeth Colwell & Steve Smutko (University of Wyoming)
July 29, 2021

Joint Action Plan Negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Deal

Anil Raman & Steven Smutko (University of Wyoming)
July 29, 2021

Learning about Individual Collaborative Strengths: A LEGO Scrum Simulation

Heather Getha-Taylor & Alexey Krivitsky (University of Kansas)
July 29, 2021

Little Golano

Noam Ebner (Creighton University) & Yael Efron (Zefat Academic College)
July 29, 2021

Addressing ELCA: An Exercise in Designing and Facilitating Stakeholder Processes

Rob Alexander (Rochester Institute of Technology)
July 29, 2021

Mapping Network Structure in Complex Community Collaboratives

Mark W. Davis & Danielle M. Varda (University of Colorado)
July 29, 2021

Community Engagement for Organizational Change

Alexandra Wakeman Rouse & Stephen Page (University of Washington)
This teaching case allows students to examine issues related to community engagement, municipal responsibility, and public value by providing a narrative about a venerable city-run cultural and performing arts center in the midst of change.
July 29, 2021

David Green- Delivering Quality Eyecare in the Developing Countries through Collaborative Systems

K.B.S. Kumar & Indu Perepu (IBS Center for Management Research)
July 29, 2021

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Conflict Management Center Workshop- Basic Training 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening and Train the Trainer Session

204 Maxwell Hall

Add to: Outlook, ICal, Google Calendar

The Conflict Management Center will begin its training workshop series this fall. Our first workshop, "Basic Training 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening and Train the Trainer Session" is scheduled for Saturday, September 9, 2017, from 9am to 3pm, in 204 Maxwell (See below for description). Breakfast and light lunch will be served!

Registration is open to the SU community and the public! Please fill out this form or send an email indicating name, status, dept/organization, and dietary restriction to
Event Description: Each CMC workshop provides theory-based content and practice-proven skills, providing participants with both a foundation and a springboard for building his or her personal and professional capacities in conflict transformation and group facilitation. The Basic Training workshop is composed of two parts:

9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Basic Training Part 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening 
What kind of conflict style do you have? How does it impact the way in which you deal with conflict? Understanding the various conflict styles can help bridge understanding in how you and others react to conflict. Also learn a powerful tool that can help deal with emotions associated with interpersonal conflict- reflective listening. RL helps address these high emotions in order to allow 'room' to address the conflict. Add these two 'tools' to your conflict management toolbox in an interactive, participatory workshop format.

1 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Train the Trainer: First Year Forum 
This session, which will be held immediately after Basic Training Part 1, will train interested volunteers who attend the morning session on being a CMC Associate for SU's First Year Forum (FYF) and other workshops throughout the academic year. The FYF initiative helps freshmen gain the knowledge and skills for a more successful college career. It involves small groups of freshmen who meet with a faculty member on a regular basis on a variety of topics. One of the options for FYF is an approximately 1-hour workshop on the basics of conflict management- and the requests are already pouring in! We will cover everything you need to know in order to be a trainer using this CMC-developed curriculum.

Prof. Catherine Gerard, Director of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) at Maxwell School, Syracuse University, will be leading both workshops. 

Please sign up for our Conflict Management Center listserv to stay informed of CMC workshops and events (type "SUBSCRIBE CONFLICTMANAGEMENTCTR" and your name in the body of the message).  You can also contact us via email. 

If you require accommodations, please contact CMC Director, Carolina Arango-Vargas 

Email: Telephone: (315) 443-2934 (Monday-Wednesday)


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Contact to request accommodations

Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall