Jok discusses the link between violence and corruption in the Citizen
"One thing that has not been clearly delineated about violence in South Sudan is the role of corruption as a most insidious driver of the ghastly inequities that have now come to characterize the young state as one of the most unequal societies in Africa," writes Jok Madut Jok, professor of anthropology.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Crime & Violence
Armstrong speaks to the Hill about new Harriet Tubman film
See related: Black, Education, Gender and Sex, Housing, Human Rights, United States
Bhan weighs in on call for Israel model in Kashmir in Al Jazeera
See related: Conflict, South Asia
Armstrong and collaborators author paper, win grant for excavation
See related: Grant Awards, Latin America & the Caribbean
Armstrong, Singleton cited in Science article on Caribbean excavation
See related: Archaeology, Latin America & the Caribbean
Burdick discusses rise of Pentecostalism in Amazonia in the National Catholic Register
Pentecostals deeply value the changes their new faith facilitated in their personal life, says John Burdick, professor of anthropology. They are primarily focused on personal salvation and disinclined to embrace political movements advocating radical change.
See related: Latin America & the Caribbean, Religion
Maxwell announces new faculty members, department chair
See related: Promotions & Appointments
Bhan discusses the conflict in Kashmir with Al Jazeera, BBC News
Mona Bhan, associate professor of anthropology and Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, says that the resistance to India's revocation of Articles 370 and 35A "depends of course on this massive military influx of the Indian forces into Kashmir territory and how that's going to pen out, how people are going to be able to navigate this new terrain of intense militarization."
See related: Conflict, Government, India, National Security
Slow Archaeology
Theoretical Archaeology Group, an annual conference, held its event at Syracuse University, drawing double the expected attendance and an array of artists who responded to the conference's call for artwork. The theme of this year's TAG was "Slow Archaeology," which highlights the importance of long-term commitments to projects, relationships with descendants and other stakeholders, and collaboration.
See related: Archaeology, Student Experience
Public Affairs and the Multifront Attack on Climate Change
See related: Climate Change, Economic Policy, Natural Disasters, Natural Resources, Sustainability, Wildfires
Inaugural online EMPA grads celebrate at Convocation
“One fear of launching the program online was that students may not feel the same deep connection to their peers and faculty and the Maxwell community, so we were pleasantly surprised by the turnout for graduation on campus and will be working on planning a reunion soon,” said Nell Bartkowiak, director of the E.M.P.A. program.
See related: Student Experience
Deborah Pellow to receive Wasserstrom Prize for Graduate Teaching
Deborah Pellow, professor of anthropology, who is a multidisciplinary scholar that specializes in urban studies, the anthropology of space and place, and feminism, with emphasis on West Africa, was conferred this year's prize. The prize memorializes William Wasserstrom, a noted English professor at Syracuse.
See related: Awards & Honors
2019 Moynihan junior faculty award to be given to Pezzarossi
See related: Awards & Honors
Art exhibit curated by Susan Wadley featured in Syracuse New Times
The exhibit titled "From Gods to Social Justice," was curated by Susan S. Wadley, Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies. Wadley is retiring at the end of May and this is one of her final contributions to Maxwell's community engagement.
See related: Awards & Honors, New York State
Anthropology Professor Hans Buechler marks 50 years of service
Hans Buechler, professor of anthropology was honored at the One University Awards ceremony, held on April 12.
See related: Awards & Honors
Ray Smith Symposium connects SU community through Indian storytelling
“The Ray Smith Symposium moves to connect the University with the broader campus community by involving a cross-section of Syracuse faculty,” says Susan S. Wadley, Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, and a veteran anthropologist. “It’s the public humanities at its best.”
See related: India
Singleton quoted in Atlantic article on archaeological study of DNA
Theresa Singleton, professor of anthropology, says the discovery of a woman's DNA in Belvoir matching with people living in Sierra Leone today holds "great promise" for future research—but the cost of DNA analysis may put it out of reach for some archaeologists.
British Forts and Their Communities: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives
See related: Colonialism
Climate without Nature: A Critical Anthropology of the Anthropocene
See related: Climate Change