In Memoriam: John Marshall Townsend
Townsend joined the faculty in 1973, and through the decades served as a professor, mentor, writer and researcher in the Anthropology Department. He faced long-term health conditions but, so devoted to his craft and his students, he continued to teach through the spring of 2024. He passed away on Jan. 22, 2025, at the age of 83.
See related: In Memoriam
Embodying Biodiversity: Sensory Conservation as Refuge and Sovereignty
Shannon Novak, professor of anthropology, has contributed to “Embodying Biodiversity: Sensory Conservation as Refuge and Sovereignty” (University of Arizona Press, 2024). The book was edited by Terese Gagnon ’18 M.A. (Anth)/’21 Ph.D. (Anth), a postdoctoral researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
See related: Agriculture, Environment, India
What Is the Legacy of the ‘Fall’ of the Berlin Wall 35 Years On? Woodard Shares Insights
Lauren Woodard, assistant professor of anthropology, says the event was just one of several across communist Eastern Europe that showed how solidarity among people could foster resistance and bring change.
See related: Europe, Government, International Affairs
Anthropology Alum receives 'CUSE50 Alumni Entrepreneur Award
Hernández de Lara article published in Revista Científica De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo
Maxwell Honors 9 Students with Centennial Scholar Awards
The undergraduate and graduate students received the recognition at the school’s Syracuse Centennial Celebration.
See related: Academic Scholarships, Awards & Honors, Centennial, School History, Study Abroad
PhD Candidate Odlanyer Hernández de Lara has book chapter published in Mexico
The open access book Ciudad y Arqueología: Desafíos y Experiencias en la Metrópoli del Siglo XXI (City and Archaeology: Challenges and Experiences in the Metropollis of the 21st Century) features a chapter written by Odlanyer Hernández de Lara, PhD candidate in Anthropology.
AIA Selects Christopher DeCorse as Joukowsky Lecturer
The archaeology professor will give four lectures about his findings on England’s 17th century-involvement in the West African slave trade.
See related: Archaeology, Awards & Honors
Riverine Citizenship: A Bosnian City in Love with the River
In the book (Central European University Press, 2024), Azra Hromadžić, associate professor of anthropology, explores how residents of Bihać, a town in northwest Bosnia, mobilized to block construction of a hydroelectric dam on the Una River in 2015.
See related: Europe, Sustainability, Water
Fringe Archaeology: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Past
In this book, Christopher DeCorse, Distinguished Professor and chair of anthropology, explores the intertwining of archaeology and popular culture, as well as depictions of archaeology in film and fiction. (Cognella Academic Publishing, 2024)
See related: Archaeology
Maxwell Welcomes New Faculty for 2024-25
The Maxwell School welcomes several new faculty members for the start of the 2024-25 academic year.
See related: Promotions & Appointments
New Book by Hromadžić, ‘Riverine Citizenship,’ Featured in Novosti Article
“The 2015 protest against the construction of a mini hydropower plant on the Una River in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina was the moment when the Una become a key political word,” says Azra Hromadžić, associate professor of anthropology and author of “Riverine Citizenship” (CEU Press, 2024).
See related: Conflict, Europe, Infrastructure, Water
Rubinstein Discusses Lead Poisoning in Onondaga County on WCNY’s CONNECT NY
“We can show the overlapping of areas of lead poisoning with poor educational performance, with teen pregnancy, with entry into the criminal justice system, and so on. So there's a whole set of ramifications,” says Robert Rubinstein, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology.
See related: Children, Adolescents, Health Policy, Infrastructure, New York State, Urban Issues
Woodard Elected as Secretary Elect of Society for the Anthropology of Europe
History and Bioarchaeology
“History and Bioarchaeology,” co-authored by Professor of Anthropology Shannon Novak, was published in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
See related: Archaeology
Keles Selected to Participate in "Write to Change the World" Workshops
Jok Article on the Integration of the East African Community Published in Geeska Afrika
Can the people of the East African Community overcome cross-border suspicions and create a cohesive union of its 302.2 million citizens? Professor of Anthropology Jok Madut Jok explores the obstacles in his article.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Government
DeCorse Quoted in The Guardian Article on the First Archaeological Dig of São Tomé and Príncipe
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Agriculture, Archaeology, Migration, Trade
PhD Candidate in Anthropology Receives Newcombe Fellowship for Doctoral Research in India
Nimisha Thakur is one of 22 scholars in the United States to receive the award, which is considered the largest and most prestigious award for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences addressing questions of ethical and religious values.
See related: Awards & Honors, Student Experience
Towards Sustainable Cultural Institutions for a New Nation
“Towards Sustainable Cultural Institutions for a New Nation: Creating a National Museum and Archives for South Sudan,” co-authored by Professor of Anthropology Jok Madut Jok, was published in Museum International.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Global Governance, Government