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In Memoriam: Longtime Economics Professor Susan Gensemer

Susan Gensemer, who retired from the Maxwell School as an associate professor of economics, died on Nov, 10, 2021, at the age of 68.
December 16, 2021

See related: In Memoriam

Resident Expert: Economist Mary Lovely to Serve at Library of Congress

The nine-month appointment begins on Jan. 3, 2022, and includes full access to the Library’s collections, which are the largest in the world, and an office in the Library of Congress overlooking the Supreme Court Building.
December 9, 2021

Economist Mary Lovely to Join the Kluge Center at the Library of Congress

The nine-month appointment begins Jan. 3, 2022, and includes full access to the Library’s collections, which are the largest in the world.
December 9, 2021

Flores-Lagunes to Lead the American Society of Hispanic Economists

Flores-Lagunes’ three-year term will begin Jan. 1, 2022. He will serve as president-elect for the first year, president for the second year and past-president for the third and final year.
December 6, 2021

WP 243 Using Pupil Transportation Data to Explore Educational Inequities and Outcomes: Case Study

Sarah Cordes, Samantha Trajkovski, Christopher Rick, Meryle Weinstein, and Amy Ellen Schwartz
This article explores how researchers can use pupil transportation data to explore key questions about the role of transportation in educational access and equity, such as how students get to school and the effect of transportation on student outcomes.
December 1, 2021

Limited contracts, limited quality? effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes

Maria Zhu
In an article published in Economics of Education Review, Assistant Professor of Economics Maria Zhu examines the effects of adjunct professors on student outcomes.
December 1, 2021

Lovely Discusses the Upcoming Biden-Xi Virtual Summit on Bloomberg TV

Watch the full interview with Professor Mary Lovely, beginning at 5:38, via Bloomberg TV.
November 15, 2021

See related: China, United States

Zhu paper on the effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes published in Econ of Edu Review

Maria Zhu
Zhu paper on the effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes published in Econ of Edu Review
October 22, 2021

Maxwell School Announces Montonna Professor, Dean’s Award Recipients

Osamah F. Khalil, associate professor of history and chair of the undergraduate program in international relations, was recently awarded the Dr. Ralph E. Montonna Endowed Professorship for the Teaching and Education of Undergraduates.
September 23, 2021

Rosenthal paper on effects of mortgage payment burden on underwater homeowners published in REE

John P. Harding, Jing Li, Stuart S. Rosenthal & Xirui Zhang
August 28, 2021

See related: Housing

Calculating the Cost of a 'Sound Basic Education' in New York City

William Duncombe, Anna Lukemeyer & John Yinger
August 17, 2021

WP 187 Bayesian Spatial Bivariate Panel Probit Estimation

Badi H. Baltagi, Peter H. Egger & Michaela Kesina
This paper formulates and analyzes Bayesian model variants for the analysis of systems of spatial panel data with binary dependent variables.
August 11, 2021

WP 192 How Hospital Value Based Purchasing is a Game of Chance

Andrew I. Friedson, William C. Horrace, and Allison F. Marier
August 11, 2021

WP 225 Density Deconvolution with Laplace Errors and Unknown Variance

Jun Cai, William C. Horrace & Christopher F. Parmeter
The authors consider density deconvolution with zero-mean Laplace noise in the context of an error component regression model.
August 10, 2021

WP 226 Network Competition and Team Chemistry in the NBA

William C. Horrace, Hyunseok Jung & Shane Sanders
The authors consider a heterogeneous social interaction model where agents interact with peers within their own network and agents across other networks.
August 10, 2021

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Economics Department
110 Eggers Hall