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Jennifer Karas Montez

Jennifer Karas Montez

Contact Information:


314H Lyman Hall

Office Hours:

By appointment

Jennifer Karas Montez

University Professor, Sociology Department

Gerald B. Cramer Faculty Scholar in Aging Studies

Director, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Co-Director of the Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab

Faculty Associate, Aging Studies Institute

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research


  • 2024 Spring
    • SOC 714 Intermediate Social Statistics

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2011


Jennifer Karas Montez earned a Ph.D. in sociology with a demography specialization from the University of Texas at Austin in 2011. Afterwards, she spent two years at the Harvard School of Public Health as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholar, and then two years at Case Western Reserve University as an assistant professor of sociology, before joining the Department of Sociology at Syracuse University. 

Montez’s research investigates the troubling trends in population health in the United States since the 1980s and the growing influence of state policies and politics on those trends. A major focus of this work has been understanding why the trends are particularly worrisome for women, for people without a college degree, and for those living in states in the South and Midwest. Her research has been funded by the NIH, NSF, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship. 

Montez directs the NIA-funded Center for Aging and Policy Studies, co-directs the NIA-funded Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities, and co-directs the Policy, Place, and Population Health (P3H) Lab at Syracuse University. She serves on the board of directors of the Population Association of America and Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science; and serves on the editorial boards of Demography, Journal of Health and Social Behavior and the Milbank Quarterly.

Areas of Expertise

Demography, political economy and population health, life course and aging

Research Grant Awards and Projects

"Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

"Geographic Trends And Disparities In Psychosocial Wellbeing, Health Behaviors, And Mortality In Midlife", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

"States' COVID-19 Mitigation Policies and Psychological Health, Drug Overdose, and Suicide among U.S. Adults", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

"Center for Aging and Policy Studies", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

"Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

"Local Initiatives, State Preemption, and Public Health", Sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

"Political Economy and Death: Deregulation, Devolution, and Death in America", Sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York.

"Educational Attainment, Geography, and U.S. Adult Mortality Risk", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

Selected Publications

Presentations and Events

Population Reference Bureau, "(INVITED) U.S. State Policy Contexts and Population Health" (November, 2024 - November, 2024)

(INVITED) Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, "Intervening to Save Lives: A Reflection on Policies and Programs Needed to Reverse the Life Expectancy Decline" (September, 2024 - September, 2024)

Montez, J. K., Monnat, S. M., Wiemers, E. E., Wolf, D. A., Zhang, X., Population Association of America, "Stability and Volatility in the Contextual Predictors of Working-age Deaths in the United States" (April, 2024 - April, 2024)

Wolf, D. A., Monnat, S. M., Wiemers, E. E., Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Grossman, E. R., Montez, J. K., Population Association of America, "The Effects of States’ COVID-19 Policies on Drug Overdoses in the United States, 2020" (April, 2024 - April, 2024)

(INVITED) Charles B. Nam Lecture in the Sociology of Population, Florida State University, "U.S. states and population health: What do we know and where do we go from here?" (March 8, 2024 - March 8, 2024)

(INVITED) Conference on Global Demographic Changes: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia, University of Hong Kong, "Policy Polarization and Death in the United States" (March, 2024 - March, 2024)

Population Research Institute, Ohio State University, "(INVITED) Electoral Democracy and Population Health in the U.S" (2024 - 2024)

Center for Healthcare Policy and Research, University of California, Davis, "(INVITED) Electoral Democracy and Working-age Mortality" (2024 - 2024)

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, "(INVITED) U.S. State and County Predictors of Geographic Disparities in Mortality" (November, 2024 - 2024)

Hobart and William Smith Colleges, "(INVITED) Why U.S. Life Expectancy is Declining and How to Reverse the Trend" (2024 - 2024)

Zhang, X., Monnat, S. M., Wiemers, E. E., Wolf, D. A., Sun, Y., Montez, J. K., PAA 2023, Population Association of America, "Associations between COVID-19 Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (2023)

Montez, J., Monnat, PAA 2023, "Associations Between U.S. States' COVID-19 Physical Distancing Policies and Working-Age Adult Mental Health Outcomes" (2023)

Monnat, S. M., Wheeler, D., Wiemers, E. E., Wolf, D. A., Sun, Y., Montez, J. K., PAA 2023, Population Association of America, "Associations Between U.S. States' COVID-19 Physical Distancing Policies and Working-Age Adult Mental Health Outcomes" (2023)

University of Gothenburg, "Democratic Erosion and Working-age Mortality" (2023)

Montez, J. K., Cheng, K. J., Grumbach, J. M., Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, "Democratic Erosion and Working-age Mortality" (2023)

Montez, J. K., Cheng, K. J., Grumbach, J. M., REVES, REVES, "Electoral Democracy and Working-age Mortality" (2023)

Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) seminar, Syracuse University, "How to Manage Large Interdisciplinary Collaborations" (2023)

SU MAX 123 Course, SU MAX 123 Course, "Policies, Politics, and Population Health" (2023 - 2023)

University of Pennsylvania, "Spatial and SES Inequalities in Health and Mortality: An Ever-Widening Future?" (2023 - 2023)

Health Management and Policy Seminar Series, Drexel University, "U.S. State Democracy and Working-age Mortality" (2023)

Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Maryland, "U.S. State Policies, Politics, and Population Health" (2023)

Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Interdisciplinary Association For Population Health Science, "U.S. States and Population Health" (2023 - 2023)

American Sociological Association conference, "10 Insights into the Role of States in the Deterioration of U.S. Life Expectancy" (2022)

ASA meeting, "A Conversation About Policies and Health Inequities" (2022)

Montez, J., Cheng, PAA meeting, "Different Inequalities, Shifting Mechanisms: Education and Health across U.S. States" (2022)

American Sociological Association conference, "Health Disparities in the United States" (2022)

Population Health and Research Group, University of St. Andrews, and the Population Health and Inequalities Working Group, Vanderbilt University, "Policy Polarization and Population Health" (2022)

ASA meeting, "Policy Polarization and Working-age Mortality" (2022)

Plenary at the Southern Demographic Association conference, "States of Life and Death: Policies, Politics, and Population Health" (2022)

Wolf, Monnat, Montez, J., Public Policy Analysis & Management Conference, "The Public Health Consequences of Minimum Wage and Sick Leave Preemption" (2022)

Minnesota Demography and Aging Seminar Series, "US State Policies and Mortality among Working-age Adults" (2022)

National Academics of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, "Disparities in Midlife Mortality" (2021)

Montez, J., Mehri, PAA meeting, "How do US State Policy Contexts Shape Cause-Specific Mortality?" (2021)

McFarland, Hill, Montez, J., Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Science meeting, "Income Inequality and Population Health: Examining the Role of State Policy" (2021)

Plenary at the Southern Demographic Association conference, "Politics and Death" (2021)

Consortium on Analytics for Data-Driven Decision-Making, "State Policy Polarization and Population Health" (2021)

Public Health Law Conference, "State Preemption and Population Health" (2021)

University of Maryland Population Research Center, "US State Policies and Mortality of Working-Age Adults" (2021)

University of Texas at Austin, Population Research Center Brownbag; Center for Health Innovation and Policy Science, School of Public Health, the University of Washington; LSU Health Sciences Center; and Milbank Fund’s Reforming States Group, "US State Policies, Politics, and Life Expectancy" (2021)

Kemp, Grumbach, Montez, J., PAA meeting, "US State Policy Contexts and Physical Health among Midlife Adults" (2021)

Wolf, Monnat, Montez, J., APHA meeting, "Profits Protected, Lives Lost: The Preemption Tradeoff" (2020)

Preemption, Structural Racism, and Home Rule Reform Funder’s Forum, Surdna Foundation and Local Solutions Support Center, "State Preemption and Population Health" (2020)

National Association for Black Journalists-National Association of Hispanic Journalists annual convention, "State Preemption of Minimum Wage and Infant Deaths" (2020)

Sheehan, Zajacova, Montez, J., PAA meeting, "State-level Variation in the Association between Educational Attainment and Sleep" (2020)

PAA meeting, Washington DC (virtual) and the NIA-supported TRENDS meeting (virtual), "US State Policies, Politics, and Life Expectancy" (2020)

Honors and Accolades

Dean's Centennial Citation for Faculty Excellence, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (2024 - 2024)