Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Europe
Ukraine Crisis Highlights Varied Humanitarian Response
Lamis Abdelaaty’s research explores how discrimination toward vulnerable people fleeing conflict can have a damaging impact.
See related: Human Rights, Russia, Ukraine
Williams Weighs in on Looming Stalemate in Ukraine, Expanding Coalition of Nations in New York Times
Michael Williams, associated professor of public administration and international affairs, was quoted in the New York Times article, "Biden Races to Expand Coalition Against Russia but Meets Resistance."
See related: Foreign Policy, Global Governance, International Agreements, Russia, Ukraine
MA (IR) Student Discusses the Need for Queen Elizabeth to Apologize for Racism in Independent UK
"As an American, I think Queen Elizabeth II should apologize for racism at her Platinum Jubilee," authored by M.A. (IR) student Maya Amari Smith-Custer, was published in the Independent UK.
See related: Civil Rights, Europe, Race & Ethnicity
Herrold Awarded Fulbright to Study Grassroots Community Change in Serbia
Catherine Herrold, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, is heading to Serbia for seven months in the Spring 2023 semester. She will live and work in local communities there, interact extensively with local residents and collaborate with scholars at the University of Belgrade.
See related: Europe, Grant Awards
Williams Talks to CBC News About Finland and Sweden Joining NATO
Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed for the CBC News article, "Putin wanted less NATO on his border. Finland and maybe Sweden will give him more."
Williams Discusses the Rules of War in Washington Post
"What are the rules of war and how do they apply in Ukraine?," written by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Michael Williams, was published in the Washington Post.
See related: Global Governance, Human Rights, International Agreements, Ukraine
Murrett Piece on the Implications of the War in Ukraine Published in The Hill
"The current fight and lasting implications of the war in Ukraine," written by Professor of Practice Robert Murrett, was published in The Hill.
Williams Talks to KCBS Radio About Finland and Sweden Possibly Joining NATO
Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed on KCBS Radio about Finland and Sweden making moves towards possible NATO membership.
Ebner Featured in HISTORY Article on Mussolini, Fascism
Associate Professor Michael Ebner, an expert on the history of Italy and fascism, was featured in the HISTORY article "How Mussolini Seized Power in Italy—And Turned It Into a Fascist State."
See related: Europe
Lovely Quoted in Christian Science Monitor Article on Ukraine Crisis, Globalization
Professor Mary Lovely was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor article "Retreat, not defeat: What Ukraine war means for globalization."