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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Media & Journalism

Thompson speaks with ABC radio about presidential racial rhetoric

In the wake of President Trump's recent tweets about four Democratic congresswomen of color, Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science, assesses that coded racial language began to be used as a political strategy under President Richard Nixon.

July 24, 2019

Thorson discusses belief echoes on WCNY's Capitol Pressroom

"Corrections of misinformation are constantly being amplified," says Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science. People are trying to do something good by correcting the misinformation but in the process they're "pushing it out to more people and potentially causing more belief echoes to arise."

June 11, 2019

Research by Emily Thorson cited in Forbes article on misinformation

Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, defines "belief echoes" as "effects on attitudes that persist even when you know that a piece of information is false."

May 22, 2019

Thorson weighs in on study of uncivil online discourse in The Atlantic

"I’d argue that much of the dysfunction we see in online interactions is just a symptom of much larger and older social problems, including but not limited to racism and misogyny," says Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science.

April 8, 2019

Thorson discusses how partisanship affects belief of facts with PBS

According to Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, negative misinformation about a politician of an opposing party is hard to shake, even after people learn that the original story was false.

April 1, 2019

Journalism and Ideals of Democracy

These are interesting times for journalists in America. We reached out to nine of them, all with degrees from Maxwell. With their public affairs education, they understand as well as any journalists what the vigor of the press means to us all.
May 21, 2018

Out of the Ivory Tower

Maxwell’s Kristi Andersen is part of a small cast of Central New York scholars who convene weekly to reflect on public events and issues — all for the benefit of a local television audience. This they have done now more than 500 times!

June 28, 2015

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