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Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500

Samantha Kahn Herrick

Brill, December 2020

Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500

"Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500–1500" shows the historical value of texts celebrating saints—both the most abundant medieval source material and among the most difficult to use. Hagiographical sources present many challenges: they are usually anonymous, often hard to date, full of topoi, and unstable. Moreover, they are generally not what we would consider factually accurate.

The volume’s twenty-one contributions draw on a range of disciplines and employ a variety of innovative methods to address these challenges and reach new discoveries about the medieval world that extend well beyond the study of sanctity. They show the rich potential of hagiography to enhance our knowledge of that world, and some of the ways to unlock it.