Maxwell announces promotions, tenure for six faculty
“The faculty promoted are nationally recognized scholars, outstanding teachers, and engaged in making their work accessible to broader audiences in an effort to shape future research, and dialogue and practice,” said David M. Van Slyke, dean of the Maxwell School.
See related: Promotions & Appointments
Public Affairs and the Multifront Attack on Climate Change
See related: Climate Change, Economic Policy, Natural Disasters, Natural Resources, Sustainability, Wildfires
Syracuse University Announces the Establishment of New Autonomous Systems Policy Institute
See related: Autonomous Systems, Centennial, School History
Maxwell events in India reinforce decades-long relationships
“What is clear from conversation with our alumni and fellow scholars is that public administration—as a field of practice and academic study—in nations around the world is in a time of revolutions, and that it is going to take a cadre of well-trained, committed people to help us deal with the challenges of the 21st century,” said Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration.
Nabatchi discusses volume, administration of FOIA requests in Federal News Network
According to Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration, the ratio between workforce and number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests appears difficult to manage.
See related: Congress, Federal, United States
Sultana awarded international 2019 Glenda Laws Award by American Association of Geographers
Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and research director for environmental collaboration and conflicts, has been awarded the 2019 Glenda Laws Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to geographic research on social issues.
Water Justice
Illustrated with case studies of historic and contemporary water injustices and contestations around the world, the book lays new ground for challenging current water governance forms and unequal power structures and provides inspiration for building alternative water realities. With contributions from renowned scholars, this is an indispensable book for students, researchers and policymakers interested in water governance, environmental policy and law, and political geography.
PARCC scholars collaborate on new book on conflict
Nabatchi named Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration
Purser article on problems with Eviction Lab published in Shelterforce
See related: Housing
Sultana quoted in Grist article on climate scientist James Hansen
Looking back on how scientists responded to climate change over the past 30 years, Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, says "a positive outcome is that today a number of young people understand and care about the impacts of climate change…with a greater focus on issues of equity and justice."
Maxwell announces promotions, tenure for eight faculty
See related: Promotions & Appointments
Sultana paper on academic integrity in higher education published in ACME
See related: Education
Sultana discusses gender and water in water security publication
See related: Natural Resources
Breaking Sudan: The Search for Peace
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Middle East & North Africa
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Solving America’s Hunger Crisis with Jeremy K. Everett, Author of I Was Hungry
Hendricks Chapel- Main Chapel
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With more than 40 million Americans experiencing hunger and poverty, we are a nation in crisis. How can our country stand idly by while our neighbors go hungry? How can the Church? In this time of spiritual and political unrest there seems to be a collective intuition that working together to solve our country’s and our world’s greatest woes is a better path forward than the mean spiritedness and vitriol we see from our politicians, preachers, political commentators, and endless amounts of social media posts. Author of I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis, Jeremy K. Everett, believes most of us want children to have ample access to food and adults to be able to find work that can sustain a family—and that most of us feel that the processes towards these ends do not have to pit us against each other. Everett will discuss our collective calling to the hungry and evidence informed ways we can all participate in ending hunger and poverty together from the grassroots level all the way to the halls of power in Washington, D.C. After all, the only way we move forward as a nation is if we do so together.
Sponsored by the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration.
For more information, contact Roxanne Tupper by email at or by phone at 315-443-2367.
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