City Park: Community Collaboration and Rotating Facilitator Exercise
Collaborative Design of Citizen Engagement in City and County Comprehensive Planning
Balancing Competition within a Homeless Services Provider Network
Model EU-European Council-European Agenda on Migration Simulation
A Struggle for Power and Control over Service Delivery in the Non-Profit Sector
Collaborative Solutions to Transportation, Land Use and Community Design Issues
Developing a Young Professionals Network for the Arts
Emergency Management and Homeland Security: Interagency Collaboration - Emergency!
An International Conflict Management Simulation
Fracked: Uncertainties in Negotiated Rule Making
Gray Wolf: Fairness and Justice in Collaborative Governance
Joint Action Plan Negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Deal
Learning about Individual Collaborative Strengths: A LEGO Scrum Simulation
See related: Education, Government, State & Local
Addressing ELCA: An Exercise in Designing and Facilitating Stakeholder Processes
Mapping Network Structure in Complex Community Collaboratives
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PARCC Open Orientation
204 Maxwell Hall
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Please join us and learn more about: ♦ Combining your degree with a Certificate of Advanced Study in Conflict Resolution ♦ Participating in the Conflict Management Center ♦ Upcoming events on topics related to conflict resolution, advocacy and activism, or collaborative governance ♦ PARCC research projects. This orientation is free and open to all interested students, faculty and staff and refreshments will be provided.
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