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Herrold Discusses her Research on Sovereignty in Palestine on POMEPS Podcast

Catherine Herrold, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was a guest on the Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS) podcast and discussed her recent study, "Curating Sovereignty in Palestine: Voluntary Grassroots Organizations and Civil Society in the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

December 6, 2022

Huber Weighs in on the Effectiveness of the International Climate Summit (COP) in the Toronto Star

“I don’t think they’ve proven to be effective in actually coming up with a kind of international agreement with binding limits on countries that would penalize them if they were not to abide by the pledges,” Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment, tells the Toronto Star.

November 9, 2022

See related: Climate Change

Griffiths Talks to New York Post About East Oregon Voting on Joining Idaho

“This is not the kind of thing that is done unilaterally by people in counties,” Ryan Griffiths, associate professor of political science, tells the New York Post. “They have to get the state of Oregon on board and the state of Idaho, and that’s a very high bar.”

November 8, 2022

Taylor Weighs in on Mysterious Deaths of Russian Businessmen in Vox Article

At least 15 Russian businessmen and executives have died in apparent accidents or by suicide in the last eight months, including a number of Putin allies. Brian Taylor, professor of political science, sees “more than just randomness” in the deaths.

October 21, 2022

See related: Russia

New Article by Abdelaaty and Thorson Explores the Prevalence of Misperceptions About Refugee Policy

Lamis Abdelaaty, Emily Thorson

"Misperceptions about Refugee Policy," co-authored by political science professors Lamis Abdelaaty and Emily Thorson, was published in American Political Science Review.

October 20, 2022

See related: Refugees, United States

Water for you and me, or water for us? Regional collaboration in drinking water systems

Kate Albrecht and Jason Michnick

This simulation gives students the opportunity to explore the complexities of drinking water provision governance, as well as relate important aspects of decision-making to the needs of the stakeholders they represent.

October 19, 2022

StopPalu: Advancing Community-focused Fight against Malaria in Guinea

Indu Perpu and Benudhar Sahu
This case is about the implementation of the StopPalu project and explains how collaborative partnership and a community-focused approach were followed to find a solution to the problem of malaria in Guinea.
October 19, 2022

Taylor’s “Code of Putinism” Makes Forbes List of Books to Read About Russia and Ukraine

"An excellent place to learn more about the Russian leader [Vladimir Putin] is Syracuse University Professor [political science] Brian D. Taylor’s 'The Code of Putinism'," writes Stuart Anderson, author of the Forbes article.

October 13, 2022

See related: Russia

Wilcoxen Appointed to Treasury’s Climate-Related Financial Risk Advisory Committee

Peter Wilcoxen, Ajello Professor in Energy and Environmental Policy, is one of twenty members and one government observer who have been named as part of the establishment of the committee. The new committee will provide information and analysis to the Financial Stability Oversight Council.

October 11, 2022

The Politics of Engagement with North Korea

Stuart Thorson, Frederick Carrier

"The Politics of Engagement with North Korea," co-authored by Stuart Thorson, professor emeritus of political science and international relations, and Moynihan Research Associate Frederick Carriere, was published in Science & Diplomacy.

October 1, 2022

Taylor Talks to 3AW About Why Russia May Have Sabotaged Nord Stream Pipelines

Professor of Political Science Brian Taylor discussed the leaks in two Nord Steam pipelines that run between Russia and Germany with 3AW.

September 30, 2022

Kriesberg, Dayton Explain How Political and Social Conflicts Can Be Waged Constructively in New Book

Louis Kriesberg, Bruce W. Dayton

In their book, Louis Kriesberg, Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies, and political science alumnus Bruce W. Dayton ’99 Ph.D., senior research associate in the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration, explain how large-scale political and social conflicts can be waged more constructively, with more positive consequences and fewer destructive consequences for those involved.

September 29, 2022

Abdelaaty Quoted in Politico Article on Russian Asylum-Seekers

Lamis Abelaaty, associate professor of political science, was interviewed for the Politico article, "The coming fight over Russian asylum-seekers."

September 29, 2022

Winners of the Sixteenth Annual E-PARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition Announced

The Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) is pleased to announce the prize recipients for the 2022 E-PARCC teaching case and simulation competition. 
September 22, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

Abdelaaty Receives APSA Migration and Citizenship Section’s Best Book Award

"Discrimination and Delegation: Explaining State Responses to Refugees," written by Associate Professor of Political Science Lamis Abdelaaty, received the Best Book Award by APSA's Migration and Citizenship section.

September 22, 2022

Research by Rubinstein, Lane on Lead Poisoning and Community Violence Featured on CNY Central

Research on the relationship between lead poisoning and community violence by Robert Rubinstein, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, and Sandra Lane, professor of anthropology by courtesy appointment, was featured on the CNY Central segment, "Could Syracuse's lead paint problem be causing more youth violence? Researchers think so."

September 16, 2022

NSF Awards $750K for Research Project Examining Electric Vehicles’ Impact

Siddiki, associate professor of public administration and international affairs and Chapple Family Professor of Citizenship and Democracy, is co-principal investigator on the project, titled “Strengthening American Electricity Infrastructure for an Electric Vehicle Future: An Energy Justice Approach.”

September 7, 2022

Taylor Talks to CBS News About Former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has died at the age of 91. Brian Taylor, professor of political science, spoke with CBS News about Gorbachev's legacy.

August 31, 2022

Taylor Talks to The World About Ukraine’s HIMARS weapons

Professor Brian Taylor was interviewed for The World segment, "Ukrainian HIMARS weapons could be game-changer."

August 26, 2022

Was Jan. 6 an Insurrection? A Failed Coup? Cleary Discusses with Politico

Matt Cleary, associate professor of political science, was featured in the Politico article, "Ask the ‘Coupologists’: Just What Was Jan. 6 Anyway?"

August 26, 2022

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Conflict Management Center Workshop- Basic Training 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening and Train the Trainer Session

204 Maxwell Hall

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The Conflict Management Center will begin its training workshop series this fall. Our first workshop, "Basic Training 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening and Train the Trainer Session" is scheduled for Saturday, September 9, 2017, from 9am to 3pm, in 204 Maxwell (See below for description). Breakfast and light lunch will be served!

Registration is open to the SU community and the public! Please fill out this form or send an email indicating name, status, dept/organization, and dietary restriction to
Event Description: Each CMC workshop provides theory-based content and practice-proven skills, providing participants with both a foundation and a springboard for building his or her personal and professional capacities in conflict transformation and group facilitation. The Basic Training workshop is composed of two parts:

9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Basic Training Part 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening 
What kind of conflict style do you have? How does it impact the way in which you deal with conflict? Understanding the various conflict styles can help bridge understanding in how you and others react to conflict. Also learn a powerful tool that can help deal with emotions associated with interpersonal conflict- reflective listening. RL helps address these high emotions in order to allow 'room' to address the conflict. Add these two 'tools' to your conflict management toolbox in an interactive, participatory workshop format.

1 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Train the Trainer: First Year Forum 
This session, which will be held immediately after Basic Training Part 1, will train interested volunteers who attend the morning session on being a CMC Associate for SU's First Year Forum (FYF) and other workshops throughout the academic year. The FYF initiative helps freshmen gain the knowledge and skills for a more successful college career. It involves small groups of freshmen who meet with a faculty member on a regular basis on a variety of topics. One of the options for FYF is an approximately 1-hour workshop on the basics of conflict management- and the requests are already pouring in! We will cover everything you need to know in order to be a trainer using this CMC-developed curriculum.

Prof. Catherine Gerard, Director of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) at Maxwell School, Syracuse University, will be leading both workshops. 

Please sign up for our Conflict Management Center listserv to stay informed of CMC workshops and events (type "SUBSCRIBE CONFLICTMANAGEMENTCTR" and your name in the body of the message).  You can also contact us via email. 

If you require accommodations, please contact CMC Director, Carolina Arango-Vargas 

Email: Telephone: (315) 443-2934 (Monday-Wednesday)


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Contact to request accommodations

Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall