Huber Discusses the Climate Class War in UnHerd Article
"Rather than tackling the problem of who owns and controls fossil-fuel based production (a relative minority of society), carbon behaviouralism aims its sights on the “irresponsible” choices of millions of consumers of all classes," writes Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Climate Change, Europe, Political Parties, United States
Kristy Buzard Explores Gender Disparities in Economics
She is part of a three-member team that received a $157,065 grant from the Women in Economics and Mathematics Research Consortium.
See related: Gender and Sex, Grant Awards, United States
Rutherford Talks to Marketplace About the United Auto Workers Strike
When automakers faced bankruptcy in 2008, auto workers faced a tough decision: lose jobs or agree to contract changes that would help the companies get a federal bailout. The union chose the latter. “This was a concession they had to make in order to sustain the bailouts and have some kind of recovery,” says Tod Rutherford, professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Income, Labor, United States
Huber Weighs In on United Auto Workers Strike in The Hill
“The UAW…strike action is ultimately trying to realize one of the Biden Administration’s core policy goals and political selling points: you can have good, family-sustaining union jobs alongside climate action. The problem is the automakers see EV production as a way to trim labor costs and shift production to non-union plants,” says Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Energy, Environment, Income, Labor, United States
Action anthropology and public policy change: Lead poisoning in Syracuse, NY
"Action anthropology and public policy change: Lead poisoning in Syracuse, NY," co-authored by Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Robert Rubinstein, was published in the Annals of Anthropological Practice.
See related: Black, Children, Adolescents, Disability, Education, Housing, New York State, U.S. Health Policy
Taylor Speaks with CBC News, International Business Times About the Prigozhin Plane Crash
Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that he believes Prigozhin is dead and he agrees with Biden. "Putin made clear at the time he saw the mutiny as 'treason' and 'a stab in the back,' which he was unlikely to forget or forgive," he says.
See related: Conflict, Government, International Affairs, Russia
Does Community-Based Adaptation Enhance Social Capital? Evidence from Senegal and Mali
"Does Community-Based Adaptation Enhance Social Capital? Evidence from Senegal and Mali," co-authored by Hannah Patnaik, managing director of the Maxwell X Lab, and John McPeak, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in the Journal of Development Studies.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Climate Change
Ryan Griffiths Receives NSF Grant to Research Global War Patterns
The professor of political science will focus on historical trends of intrastate and interstate battles since the 18th century.
See related: Defense & Security, Grant Awards, International Affairs
Sanctions: Greater Congressional Oversight Needed for Costly, Ineffective "Go-To" Policy
"Sanctions: Greater Congressional Oversight Needed for Costly, Ineffective "Go-To" Policy," co-authored by Kristen Patel, Donald P. and Margaret Curry Gregg Professor of Practice in Korean and East Asian Affairs, was published in the Syracuse Law Review.
See related: Economic Policy, Government, U.S. Foreign Policy, United States
Sultana Named to First Cohort of American Association of Geographer’s Elevate the Discipline Program
One of 15 geographers from 11 states and the West Indies, Farhana Sultana, professor of geography and the environment, will focus on climate and society.
See related: Awards & Honors, Climate Change, United States
Huber Weighs In on Tennessee Valley Authority’s Small Nuclear Reactor Program in Canary Media Piece
“This is a perfect sweet spot for a public power entity to take on some of that risk, to try to really get a technology that we need off the ground,” Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment, says of TVA’s small modular reactor program. “They have the resources and the social mission to do that, where private capital wouldn’t.”
See related: Climate Change, Energy, United States
Maxwell School Announces 2023 Faculty Promotions
Six faculty members were granted tenure and promoted to associate professor and three were promoted to professor.
See related: Promotions & Appointments
Thompson Discusses the Legacy of Far-Right Women’s Groups in the US on WORT 89.9FM
"There have been women involved for a long, long time. For example, there was a very active women’s branch of the Klu Klux Klan in the 1920s. And many of those women, but not all, had been members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.
See related: Gender and Sex, Media & Journalism, Race & Ethnicity, Social Justice, United States
Research by Gallo-Cruz Cited in Salon Article on the Human Costs of Global Warming
Citing the work of organizations like Global Witness in conflict zones worldwide, Selina Gallo-Cruz, associate professor of sociology, points out that a significant part of the violence on this planet comes from the North's "extraction of natural resources through mining or deforestation—palm oil plantations are a big one—and mega-, mega-agricultural projects," all of which lead to "outbreaks of very violent conflict."
See related: Climate Change, Conflict, Natural Disasters, Natural Resources, Wildfires
A New African Elite: Place in the Making of a Bridge Generation
"A New African Elite: Place in the Making of a Bridge Generation," authored by Professor Emerita of Anthropology Deborah Pellow, focuses on a sub-set of the Dagomba of northern Ghana, and looks at the first generation to go through secondary school in the north.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Education
Africa and Urban Anthropology
"Africa and Urban Anthropology: Theoretical and Methodological Contributions from Contemporary Fieldwork," co-edited by Professor Emerita of Anthropology Deborah Pellow, offers valuable anthropological insight into urban Africa, covering a range of cities across a continent that has become one of the fastest urbanizing geographic areas of the globe.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Urban Issues
Students, Faculty Receive Spring 2023 SOURCE and Honors Research Grants
The awards support undergraduate research projects.
See related: Awards & Honors, Grant Awards, Student Experience
Farhana Sultana Addresses European Parliament
The Maxwell School professor participated in a conference on climate and sustainability.
Sultana Quoted in ScienceAlert Article on Rising Sea Levels
"This can't continue as systems that become more unstable and unpredictable will harm more in chaotic ways," says Farhana Sultana, professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Climate Change, United States, Water
Taylor Discusses the Wagner Group, Russian President Putin with Business Insider, DW and Newsweek
Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that the mutiny fallout has put Putin in a position he's neither familiar nor comfortable with—often using his pulpit to blast political enemies, both inside and outside of Moscow. "Now he's applying that very same language to one of his own guys, someone he elevated to a position of power and responsibility," Taylor says.
See related: Conflict, Crime & Violence, Government, Russia, Ukraine
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Conflict Management Center Workshop- Basic Training 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening and Train the Trainer Session
204 Maxwell Hall
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The Conflict Management Center will begin its training workshop series this fall. Our first workshop, "Basic Training 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening and Train the Trainer Session" is scheduled for Saturday, September 9, 2017, from 9am to 3pm, in 204 Maxwell (See below for description). Breakfast and light lunch will be served!
Registration is open to
the SU community and the public! Please fill out this form or send an
email indicating name, status, dept/organization, and dietary restriction to
Event Description:
Each CMC workshop provides theory-based
content and practice-proven skills, providing participants with both a
foundation and a springboard for building his or her personal and professional
capacities in conflict transformation and group facilitation. The Basic
Training workshop is composed of two parts:
9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Basic
Training Part 1: Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening
What kind of conflict style do you have?
How does it impact the way in which you deal with conflict? Understanding the
various conflict styles can help bridge understanding in how you and others
react to conflict. Also learn a powerful tool that can help deal with emotions
associated with interpersonal conflict- reflective listening. RL helps address
these high emotions in order to allow 'room' to address the conflict. Add these
two 'tools' to your conflict management toolbox in an interactive,
participatory workshop format.
1 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Train the Trainer:
First Year Forum
This session, which will be held immediately after Basic Training Part 1, will
train interested volunteers who attend the morning session on being a CMC
Associate for SU's First Year Forum (FYF) and other workshops throughout the
academic year. The FYF initiative helps freshmen gain the knowledge and skills
for a more successful college career. It involves small groups of freshmen who
meet with a faculty member on a regular basis on a variety of topics. One of
the options for FYF is an approximately 1-hour workshop on the basics of
conflict management- and the requests are already pouring in! We will cover
everything you need to know in order to be a trainer using this CMC-developed
Prof. Catherine Gerard, Director of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) at Maxwell School, Syracuse University, will be leading both workshops.
Please sign up for our Conflict Management Center listserv to stay informed of CMC workshops and events (type "SUBSCRIBE CONFLICTMANAGEMENTCTR" and your name in the body of the message). You can also contact us via email.
If you require accommodations, please contact CMC Director, Carolina Arango-Vargas
Email: Telephone: (315) 443-2934 (Monday-Wednesday)
Open to
Contact to request accommodations