Material Hardship and the Living Arrangements of Older Adults
“Material Hardship and the Living Arrangements of Older Adults,” written by Colleen Heflin and Hannah Patnaik, was published in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
See related: Aging, Food Security
The Institutional Grammar in Policy Process Research
Clock and Compass: How John Byron Plato Gave Farmers a Real Address
Monmonier, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography and the Environment, follows John Byron Plato's path from farmer in his mid-30s to inventor of several inventions including the “Clock System,” which assigned addresses to rural residences without house numbers.
See related: Maps
Ice Ages: Their Social and Natural History
Allan Mazur, professor emeritus of policy studies at the Maxwell School, has published a new book, “Ice Ages: Their Social and Natural History” (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
See related: Climate Change
Support from Adult Children and Parental Health in Rural America
"Support from Adult Children and Parental Health in Rural America," co-authored by Associate Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat, was published in the Journal of Rural Social Sciences.
See related: Aging, Child & Elder Care
Origins of the Mass Party: Dispossession and the Party-Form in Mexico and Bolivia in Comparative Perspective
See related: Government, Latin America & the Caribbean, Political Parties
Academic Apartheid: Race and the Criminalization of Failure in an American Suburb
In his new book, "Academic Apartheid: Race and the Criminalization of Failure in an American Suburb" (University of California Press, 2022), Sean J. Drake looks at how race and class intersect, contributing to educational inequality and modern school segregation.
See related: Civil Rights, Gender and Sex, Race & Ethnicity, Social Justice
Racial-ethnic inequities in age at death among adults with/without intellectual and developmental disability in the United States
Scott Landes and Janet Wilmoth identify differences in racial-ethnic inequities in mortality between adults with/without intellectual and developmental disability in their study published in Preventive Medicine.
See related: Civil Rights, Longevity, Mental Health, Race & Ethnicity
What is Holding the Yuan Back? Xi is.
See related: China, International Affairs
Delta Democracy: Pathways to Incremental Civic Revolution in Egypt and Beyond
See related: International Affairs, Middle East & North Africa
Parenting in Privilege or Peril: How Social Inequality Enables or Derails the American Dream
See related: Civil Rights, Parenting & Family
Perceived access to PrEP as a critical step in engagement: A qualitative analysis and discrete choice experiment among young men who have sex with men
See related: Insurance
Cultural Anthropology Studies of Conflict
The chapter, "Cultural Anthropology Studies of Conflict," was co-authored by Maxwell alum Fethi Keles '08 M.A. (Anth)/'14 Ph.D. (Anth).
Conceptualising Policy Design in the Policy Process
In this article, Saba Siddiki, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, and her co-author discuss how scholars guided by different orientations to studying policy design are addressing and measuring common policy design concepts and themes, and offer future research opportunities.
The impact of heat on kidney stone presentations in South Carolina under two climate change scenarios
See related: Climate Change, Health Policy
The Creole Archipelago: Race and Borders in the Colonial Caribbean
See related: Colonialism, Latin America & the Caribbean, Migration, Race & Ethnicity
The impact of pork-barrel capital funding in schools: Evidence from participatory budgeting in NYC
See related: Economic Policy
‘It’s history in the making all around us’: examining COVID-19 through the lenses of HIV and epidemic history
See related: COVID-19, Health Policy
Impacts of Property Tax Levy on Housing Price and Rent: Theoretical Models and Simulation with Insights on the Timing of China Adopting the Property Tax
See related: China
The Effect of EITC Exposure in Childhood on Marriage and Early Childbearing
See related: Parenting & Family