Effects of US state preemption laws on infant mortality
Every Now and Then I Get Flagged for a Pap Smear’: Gender Transition, Embodiment, and “Sex-Specific” Cancer Screenings
The study responds to a call for studies of “embodied experiences of stigma in context” by investigating how transgender embodiment shapes perceived needs for access to and experiences of “sex-specific” cancer screenings (SSCS) (e.g., breast and prostate exams, Pap smears) in the North American healthcare system.
See related: Gender and Sex, Sexual Identity
"There Was No 'That’s Not My Job'": New York Area Agencies on Aging Approaches to Supporting Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic
See related: COVID-19, Student Experience
Cohort Change in the Prevalence of ADHD among U.S. Adults: Evidence of a Gender-Specific Historical Period Effect
Estimating and Testing High Dimensional Factor Models with Multiple Structural Changes
US State Disparities in Life Expectancy, Disability-Free Life Expectancy, and Disabled Life Expectancy Among Adults Aged 25 to 89 Years
Math and Science Identity Change and Paths into and out of STEM: Gender and Racial Disparities
Peer-based Recovery Support Services Delivered at Recovery Community Organizations: Predictors of Improvements in Individual Recovery Capital
Equal Time for Equal Crime? Racial Bias in School Discipline
See related: Education
Public Health Requirements and Authorities in State Statutory Disaster Recovery Law: A Cross-Sectional Legal Assessment
Service-Connected Disability and the Veteran Mortality Disadvantage
Below the Tip of the Iceberg: Examining Early Childhood Participation in SNAP and TANF from Birth to Age Six
By the Letter of Law? The Effects of Administrative Adjudication for Resolving Disputes in NYC’s Restaurant Grading Initiative
Hypertension, Diabetes and Medication Adherence among the Older Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Population (SNAP)
Intergenerational Emotional Cohesion and Psychological Well-being of Older Adults in Rural China: A Moderated Mediation Model of Loneliness and Friendship Ties
See related: China
Identity Transformation Through Substance Use Disorder Recovery: Introducing the Six Stage Model
The Social Correlates of Flood Risk: Variation Along the US Rural–Urban Continuum
Educating the Elites: School Counselors as Education Nannies in Urban China