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Merril Silverstein

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314 Lyman Hall

Merril Silverstein

Professor and Chair, Sociology Department

Professor, Human Development and Family Science, Falk College

Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor in Aging

Faculty Associate, Aging Studies Institute

Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies


  • 2025 Spring
    • HFS 363 Midlife Development and Gerontology
  • 2024 Fall
    • SOC/WGS 281 Sociology of Families
  • 2024 Summer
    • HFS/SOC/SWK 443/643 Aging in the Context of Family Life
  • 2023 Fall
    • SOC/WGS 281 Sociology of Families
  • 2023 Summer
    • HFS/SOC/SWK 443/643 Aging in the Context of Family Life

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Columbia University, 1990


Merril Silverstein, Ph.D., is inaugural holder of the Marjorie Cantor Chair in Aging Studies at Syracuse University in the Maxwell School's Department of Sociology and in Falk College's Department of Human Development and Family Science.

He received a doctorate in sociology from Columbia University. Published in over 150 research publications, he has focused on aging in the context of family life, with an emphasis on life course and international perspectives. He serves as principal investigator of the Longitudinal Study of Generations and has had projects in China, Sweden, the Netherlands and Israel.

He is a Brookdale Fellow and Fulbright Senior Scholar and between 2010-2014 served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.

Areas of Expertise

Aging, family, intergenerational relationships, demographic, policy and cultural contexts, quantitative methods

Research Grant Awards and Projects

"Intergenerational solidarity with digital communication among Korean adult children and older parents: Associations with mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic", Sponsored by Academy of Korean Studies.

"Developing an Instrument to Assess Intergenerational Digital Communication by Older Adults: Expanding the Solidarity Model", Sponsored by Retirement Research Foundation.

"Spirituality and Prosocial Values in the Absence of Religion Among Millennials and their Families", Sponsored by John Templeton Foundation.

"Intergenerational Antecedents of Care to Older Adults Approaching the End of Life With or Without Dementia", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

"Religiosity and Mortality Risk in Later Life", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.

Selected Publications

Presentations and Events

Gerontological Society of America, "Dementia Care for Biological Parents in Step-Families" (November, 2024)

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, "Spirituality Among the Non-Religious: Differences across Generations" (October, 2024)

Nordic Congress of Gerontology,, "New Directions in Intergenerational Research on Support and Care in Ageing Families," (August, 2024)

Ageing and Social Change, University of Galway, "Discussant, Keynote Address on Social Networks and Ageing by Vanessa Burholt" (July, 2024)

Ageing and Social Change, "Filial Piety Perceptions by Older Parents in Rural China" (July, 2024)

International Conference on Population and Sustainable Development,, Xi'an Jiaotong University, "Filial Piety Perceptions by Older Parents in Rural China: Variation Across Space and Place" (May, 2024)

Population Association of America, "Discussant: Migration and Aging at the Population Association of America," (April, 2024)

Asian Conference on Aging and Gerontology, "ilial Piety and its Discontents: Variation in Evaluating Adult Children as “Filial” by Older Parents in Rural China" (March, 2024)

University of Torino, Italy, " Intergenerational Transmission of Religion" (March, 2024)

Graduate student training in gerontology, SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Networkm University of Lund, "Social Theories in Gerontology" (March, 2024)

Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health , Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, "Theories in Social Gerontology: Past, Present and Future" (March, 2024)

Gerontological Society of America, "Digital Communication as Compensation for Infrequent In-Person Contact With Grandchildren During the Pandemic" (November, 2023)

Gerontological Society of America, "Intergenerational Solidarity and Filial Piety Perceived by Older Adults in Rural China " (November, 2023)

Gerontological Society of America, "Social Sandwiching and Paid Work in Later Life: Consequences on Mental Health" (November, 2023)

Gerontological Society of America, "Transmission of Religiosity between Grandparents and Grandchildren As a Basis for Eldercare Responsibility in Young Adults" (November, 2023)

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, "Did Strengthened Values of Gender Egalitarianism Weaken Religiosity in Baby-Boom Women? A Developmental-Historical Approach" (October, 2023)

American Sociological Assosication, "Gender Attitudes and Religiosity of Women Through Time" (August, 2023)

International Conference to Explore Population Ageing Causes, Consequences and Responses, Center for Excellence in Ageing Research, University of Sydney, "Historical Change in Grandparent Caregiving in Rural China" (July, 2023)

Changing Demographics Can Result in Strengthening Families , Generations United, "Intergenerational Solidarity and its Continued Relevance in Contemporary Older Families" (July, 2023)

International Sociological Association, "Digital and Other Forms of Communication between Older Parents and Adult Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations with Relational Outcomes" (June, 2023)

International Sociological Association, "Gender Egalitarianism and Religiosity: A Historical-Contextual Perspective" (June, 2023)

30th John K. Friesen Conference: Forging New Frontiers in Aging ., Simon Fraser University, "Intergenerational Exchanges and Filial Piety in Rural China" (June, 2023)

Silverstein, M. D., Blankholm, J., Organized workshop: Intergenerational Transmission of Religion, John Templeton Foundation (May, 2023)

Intimacy and Family Life, University of London, SOAS, "Variation in Filial Piety of Adult Children by Support Received by Adults in Rural China" (May, 2023)

Population Association of America, "Symposium on Consequences of Caregiving for Health and Wellbeing " (April, 2023)

Karolinska Institute, Aging Research Center, "Are Multidisciplinary Theories of Aging Possible? " (March, 2023)

Ageing and Wellbeing in China, University of Manchester, "Filial Piety Perceived by Older Parents in Rural China" (March, 2023)

University of Stockholm, School of Social Work, "Intergenerational Solidarity in Emerging Adulthood and Later Provision of Care and Support to Vulnerable Older Parents" (March, 2023)

University of Gävle, School of Social Work, "Intergenerational Transmission of Religiosity" (March, 2023)

"New Dynamics of Aging and Long-term Care in the Context of Family life in China" (December, 2020)

"Population Aging and Preferences for Long-term Care in China" (February, 2020)

Honors and Accolades

Olson Award for Bridging Research, Theory, and Practice, National Council on Family Relations (2024)

Olson Award for Bridging Research, Theory, and Practice, National Council on Family Relations (2023)

Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education, Graduate School, Syracuse University (May, 2023)

Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence - Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction, Syracuse University: One University Awards (2021)

Matilda White Riley Distinguished Scholar Award, American Sociological Association (2020)