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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Child & Elder Care

Paid Leave Mandates and Care for Older Parents

Kanika Arora, Douglas A. Wolf

“Paid Leave Mandates and Care for Older Parents,” co-authored by Douglass Wolf, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, was published in The Milbank Quarterly.

July 12, 2024

Earnings and Employment Patterns Following Child-Care Subsidy Receipt

W. Clay Fannin, Colleen Heflin, Taryn Morrissey
“Earnings and Employment Patterns Following Child-Care Subsidy Receipt,” co-authored by Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, and Ph.D. student W. Clay Fannin, was published in Social Service Review.
July 1, 2024

Jun Li Talks to Verywell Health About Uber Caregiver

“Caregivers have long been under-appreciated and poorly integrated into the formal health care system. It might be that we are finally recognizing the value of this ‘invisible’ group,” says Jun Li, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs.

June 1, 2024

Silverstein Edits, Contributes to ‘Aging Families’ Book

Merril Silverstein

Merril Silverstein, Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor of Aging Studies and chair of sociology, has edited and written the introduction for “Aging Families in Chinese Society” (Routledge, 2022), which was recently released in paperback.

April 15, 2024

Digital Communication As Compensation for Infrequent In-Person Contact With Grandkids During COVID

Xiaoyu Fu, Woosang Hwang, Merril Silverstein

"Digital Communication As Compensation for Infrequent In-Person Contact With Grandchildren During the Pandemic," co-authored by Merril Silverstein, professor and chair of sociology, was published in Innovation in Aging.

January 9, 2024

Buzard Talks to CBC Radio About Her Research on Parental Involvement

"So many of the calls come to them [mothers], even though they're in kind of very demanding jobs [and] they've told the schools to call their children's fathers," says Kristy Buzard, associate professor of economics.

November 6, 2023

Sandwiched in Later Life: Consequences for Individuals’ Well-Being, Variation Across Welfare Regimes

Marco Albertini, Noah Lewin-Epstein, Merril Silverstein, Aviad Tur-Sinai

"Becoming sandwiched in later life: Consequences for individuals’ well-being and variation across welfare regimes," co-authored by Professor and Chair of Sociology Merril Silverstein, was published in The Journals of Gerontology.

October 23, 2023

Harrington Meyer Quoted in Bloomberg Article on Grandparents and the Childcare Crisis

“For a lot of families, grandparent care is the gold standard,” says University Professor Madonna Harrington Meyer, who notes that grandparents are often far more flexible than other childminders; they’ll watch your kid for free, for long or short periods of time, on little notice. They will even do it when your child is sick. 

June 9, 2023

Russell Sage Foundation Awards Grant for Kristy Buzard’s Research Project ‘Who Ya Gonna Call?’

Buzard, associate professor of economics, is part of a three-member team that will explore the extent to which mothers are more likely than fathers to be contacted by their child’s school.

March 14, 2023

Harrington Meyer Quoted in New York Times Article on Grandfathering

Overall, grandmothers still take the lead in spending time with grandchildren, often rearranging their schedules to do so, says Madonna Harrington Meyer, University Professor and author of “Grandmothers at Work: Juggling Families and Jobs” (NYU Press, 2014).

March 9, 2023

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