Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Europe
Terrell remembers literary scholar Ruth Klüger in
Writer and literary scholar Ruth Klüger died October 5, 2020. "She reminds us that making a more humane and tolerant world requires accountability and unmovable courage in criticism," writes Robert Terrell, assistant professor of history.
See related: Europe
Allport discusses his forthcoming book with BBC History Extra
Alan Allport, associate professor of history, was interviewed for a two-part feature on History Extra, the BBC's History podcast, about his forthcoming book "Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941" (Penguin Random House, November 2020).
See related: Europe
Lovely weighs in on EU-China investment agreement in SCMP
"In short, the pandemic has led to greater fear of Chinese unfair practices, not less," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.
See related: China, Europe, International Agreements
Morgan examines whether or not the EU is imperialist in Journal of European Public Policy article
See related: Europe
Connecting centre and locality: Political communication in early modern England
See related: Europe
Executive Education alums discuss open data in transportation field in Vox article
See related: Infrastructure, Ukraine, United States
Jolly study on representation gaps in European politics published
See related: Europe
Hromadžić wins Title VIII grant for research in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Azra Hromadžić, an associate professor of anthropology and O’Hanley Faculty Scholar, has been awarded $8,000 through a Title VIII Scholars appointment by the American Councils for International Education. The award will go towards Hromadžić's research into riverine citizenship, political imagination, and the struggle for water in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina.
See related: Europe, Grant Awards
Morgan comments on US-UK relations in USA Today
"I can't imagine them having a civil conversation," says Glyn Morgan, associate professor of political science, about the potential relationship between President Trump and Jeremy Corbyn, had Corbyn won his election. "Their world views are so diametrically opposed. I doubt Trump has even ever met anyone like Corbyn."
See related: Europe, Government, United States
Lamis Abdelaaty paper on Turkey's refugee policy published in Journal of Refugee Studies
See related: Europe, Middle East & North Africa, Refugees