Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Health **Container**
Beyond Social Determinants: Fiscal Determinants of Overdose Death in US Counties, 2017–2020
Michah Rothbart, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, and co-authors examine the ways in which county fiscal constraints may be associated with responses to the opioid epidemic. Published in Social Science & Medicine.
See related: Longevity, Opioids, State & Local, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Gadarian Quoted in ABC News Article on RFK Jr.’s Intent to Regulate Farms and Food as Head of HHS
“If all of a sudden HHS is now in the business of passing more regulations on the food industry, on agriculture, we might see that a Republican Senate majority and a Republican House is less interested in allocating a budget to HHS that then would be under a different leadership,“ says Shana Gadarian, professor of political science.
See related: Federal, Nutrition, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Social Impact Pitch Competition to Address Public Health Misinformation Among College Students
The Maxwell School's Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population health is inviting students and others to offer ideas to be judged on creativity, feasibility, impact and scalability.
See related: Health Policy, Media & Journalism, Student Experience
Political Polarization and Health
Professor of Political Science Shana Gadarian and co-authors conclude that polarization is a serious—if largely overlooked—determinant of health, whose impacts must be more thoroughly understood and mitigated. Published in Nature Medicine.
See related: COVID-19, Mental Health, Political Parties, United States
Differences in PTSD Between US Civilians and Military Veterans in Gulf War and Post-9/11 War Cohorts
See related: Mental Health, United States, Veterans
Does the Reference Period Matter When Evaluating the Effect of SNAP on Food Insecurity?
In this paper, Colleen Heflin and co-author examine if protective effects of SNAP against food insecurity are obtained whether using the 30-day or 12-month food insecurity scale. Results indicate comparable average treatment effects across both reference periods. Published in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
See related: Food Security, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Arthur C. Brooks Shares Happiness Recipe: ‘Enjoyment, Satisfaction and Meaning’
The former Maxwell professor, bestselling author and happiness expert spoke during a recent Maxwell centennial celebration event.
See related: Centennial, Mental Health, Student Experience
Colleen Heflin Appointed to Committee on National Statistics
The committee is part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and provides guidance to the federal government.
See related: Federal, Food Security, Nutrition, Promotions & Appointments, U.S. Health Policy
Montez Featured in American Prospect Article on State Policies and Differences in Health Outcomes
“You have two states that [we]re the same, were pretty middle-of-the-road in terms of life expectancy, but they take opposite trajectories,” says University Professor Jennifer Karas Montez. Some states, she says, took action to “invest in [the state] population’s overall economic well-being and health. And you had other states that took a...very different approach.”
See related: Economic Policy, Government, Health Policy, Political Parties, State & Local, United States
Author and Happiness Expert Arthur C. Brooks to Give Talk on Oct. 30
He is a Harvard professor and co-author of the New York Times bestseller ‘Build the Life You Want’ with Oprah Winfrey.
See related: Centennial, Mental Health