Research in a Closed Political Context, COVID, and Across Languages
"Research in a Closed Political Context, COVID, and Across Languages: Methodological Lessons, Messages, and Ideas," co-authored by Darzhan Kazbekova, graduate research associate in the Center for Policy Design and Governance, and Rebecca Schewe, associate professor of sociology, was published in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
See related: Central Asia, COVID-19, Research Methods
Taylor Discusses Putin and the Wagner Group's Mutiny with Forbes, Newsweek, Reuters, Vox
"I think Putin emerges from this significantly weakened," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. "I think if you're a member of the Russian elite or are in fact a member of the Russian population, you're going to look at this and think, 'Wow, a private army just drove on Moscow for most of the day. No one stopped them and they're allowed to leave and no real consequences.'"
See related: Crime & Violence, Government, Russia, Ukraine
McCormick Comments on Mexico’s Illegal Oil Taps in ASIS International Article
“The whole huachicolero [fuel theives] phenomenon, it’s been in play for a long time in Mexico,” explains Gladys McCormick, associate professor of history and Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations.
See related: Crime & Violence, Latin America & the Caribbean
Taylor Discusses Wagner Group Leader Yevgeny Prigozhin on Slate Podcast
"He’s [Prigozhin] clearly trying to draw a sharp contrast between his presence directly on the battlefield, his engagement with his soldiers, and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, which he frequently attacks as being out of touch elitists who are damaging the war effort," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.
See related: Crime & Violence, Government, Russia, Ukraine
Huber Discusses His Book, “Climate Change as Class War” on Future Histories Podcast
"So if we can pair climate decarbonization with more increased secure access to people's basic material needs, you could start to build a much broader popular base," says Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment.
See related: Climate Change, United States
McCormick Weighs In on Mexican President AMLO’s Seizure of Billionaire’s Rail Line in Bloomberg
Gladys McCormick, Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations, says Lopez Obrador’s recent actions reflect the “sort of populist demagogue persona that he’s carved out for himself,” and that it’s all been part of a perfect recipe “for him to be go out there in public and remind people that he is, above all, for Mexico.”
See related: Government, International Affairs, Latin America & the Caribbean
Purser Discusses Syracuse’s Housing Market, High Rent Costs in Article
“Certainly, there’s not enough affordable housing,” says Gretchen Purser, associate professor of sociology. “You have a situation of high poverty and a really kind of outrageous rental market in Syracuse.”
See related: Housing, New York State
McCormick Discusses Biden’s Call with Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Politico
“If the U.S. dismissed him wholeheartedly, it’s going to make these conversations—and again some of these are happening behind closed doors—a hell of a lot more difficult to be had,” says Gladys McCormick, Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair on Mexico-U.S. Relations, regarding the immigration talks between the U.S. and Mexico as Title 42 lifts this week.
Jok Comments on the Ongoing Conflict in Sudan on GLOBAL with JJ Green, Newzroom Afika and TRT World
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Conflict, International Affairs
Purser Quoted in NPR Article on Worker Safety Standards
“There needs to be greater regulation of the staffing industry,” says Gretchen Purser, associate professor of sociology. “And we need to make it a lot easier for workers to unionize. All of the research has shown that in unionized workplaces, workers are far less likely to experience injury or fatalities.”
See related: Government, Labor, United States
Huber Weighs in on NY Using Nuclear Power to Reach Its Climate Goals in City & State Article
“It’s a generational thing,” says Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment. “A lot of younger generations are really fixated on climate and understand that nuclear is one our best options to deal with climate, so we gotta keep it on the table.”
See related: Climate Change, Energy, New York State
Griffiths Piece on Why Secession Won’t Work for the US Published in the Hill
"Simply put, secession is a political solution for an ethnonational problem among regionally concentrated populations. The problem in America is one of political polarization," writes Ryan Griffiths, associate professor of political science.
See related: Political Parties, United States
Maxwell Faculty and Students To Be Honored at 2023 One University Awards
The One University Awards Ceremony, an annual event to honor members of the Syracuse University community who are making a difference through academics, scholarship, creative work and dedicated service, will be held Friday, April 21.
See related: Awards & Honors
Hern Examines How African Countries Achieve Political and Economic Success in New Book
Erin Hern, associate professor of political science, has written “Explaining Success in Africa: Things Don’t Always Fall Apart” (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2023). The book focuses on normalizing the success of countries and analyzing their progress amid adverse circumstances.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Government
Thompson Discusses Trump’s Arraignment with CNY Central, 570 WSYR
“This is not the end of what may happen,” says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. “It may in fact be the beginning. We've never seen this before, and I don't think we can dismiss it as a partisan political act. Certainly, there have been other presidents who have had strong opposition in the past and yet they have not faced this kind of jeopardy.”
See related: Crime & Violence, Federal, U.S. Elections, United States
Lamis Abdelaaty Receives Gerda Henkel Foundation Grant to Support Book Research
The associate professor of political science will examine what constitutes a refugee crisis in her second book.
See related: Grant Awards, Refugees
Taylor Quoted in Vox Article on Russian Paramilitary Network the Wagner Group
“Wagner was a very useful stopgap in that period between when [Russia] had so many of their regular forces attrited and Putin came around to the realization that he had no choice but to bring in hundreds of thousands of more people. That may, in some sense, prove to be that Wagner is at its sort of height of influence,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.
See related: Conflict, International Affairs, Russia, Ukraine
Putin’s War of Recolonization
"Putin’s War of Recolonization," co-authored by Maxwell professors Renée de Nevers and Brian Taylor, was published in the Journal of Democracy.
See related: Conflict, International Affairs, Russia, Ukraine
Huber Talks to Real Change News About Carbon Pricing Programs
The fact that the costs of compliance are typically borne by workers and consumers is a fundamental flaw of carbon pricing programs, says Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment. It’s one that, he suggests, has led to the Biden administration’s relatively skeptical stance on cap-and-trade programs.
See related: Climate Change, State & Local, United States
Abdelaaty Receives ISA Ethnicity, Nationalism & Migration Studies Section’s Distinguished Book Award
"Discrimination and Delegation: Explaining State Responses to Refugees" (Oxford University Press, 2021), written by Associate Professor of Political Science Lamis Abdelaaty, received the Distinguished Book Award from the International Studies Association's Ethnicity, Nationalism, & Migration Studies section.
See related: Awards & Honors, Middle East & North Africa, Refugees
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IIAS Study Group on 'Coproduction of Public Services'
Greenberg House, Washington, DC
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This will be the fifth meeting of the IIAS Study Group on 'Coproduction of Public Services.' Our aim is to create and nurture an intellectual platform for the theoretical and empirical study of coproduction and its implications for the organization and management of public services. The conference will take place at the Syracuse University Greenberg House, which is located at 2301 Calvert Street NW, Washington, DC 20008. The telephone number there is 202.797.4678. It is located on the corner of Calvert Street and Woodley Place in the Woodley Park area of northwest Washington, DC. Click here for more information.
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