Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Elections
How Are Young Voters Feeling About the Election? Jackson Discusses on Bloomberg TV
“Young people are actually excited about this election. They're excited to vote, but they are very confused. They don't know exactly what to do because they feel so strongly about particular although they are excited, they're not sure what that means for them in the future,” says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.
See related: Federal, U.S. Elections, United States
Reeher Speaks With AP News, City & State and Spectrum News About the Race for NY-22
“In some ways, you almost have two generic candidates running, one more conservative and one sort of more mainstream. And you’ve got a district that just seems more built for people who are closer to the center, in either party,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.
See related: Congress, New York State, Political Parties, State & Local, U.S. Elections
Thompson Talks to ABC News About American Catholic Voters
“It's really interesting that the Catholic Church is probably one of the few places where you find people with different perspectives sitting together at Sunday Mass,” says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. She adds that if past election results are any indication, Catholic turnout and the choices they make at the polls will depend on a variety of factors.
See related: Political Parties, Race & Ethnicity, Religion, U.S. Elections, United States
Reeher Discusses the 2024 Presidential Election With Newsweek, The Mirror
Harris is “is performing better in the national polls versus the battleground states, which tells me she is racking up more support in states where she is already likely to win,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. “That makes sense given the nature of the campaign's central messages and appeals.”
See related: Federal, Gender and Sex, Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Huber Weighs In on the Vice Presidential Debate and the Topic of Climate Change in ABC News Article
Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment, says the VP debate was “evidence of the sad state of our climate discourse.“
See related: Climate Change, U.S. Elections, United States
Ackerman Talks to Democracy Now About Former Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Legacy
One element is “the return...of class politics, which takes the form of a series of important legislative measure that includes raising the minimum wage, facilitating the formation of unions, but also more specific things like, for example, recognizing the labor rights of domestic workers for the first time in the country,” says Edwin Ackerman, associate professor of sociology.
See related: Elections, Latin America & the Caribbean
Barton Article on Nonpartisan Primaries and Wealthy Donors Published by RealClearPolitics
“Since nonpartisan primaries include candidates from all parties, and many voters are entrenched in their partisan loyalties, fewer voters are susceptible to changing their votes based on persuasion efforts funded by wealthy donors” writes Richard Barton, assistant teaching professor of public administration and international affairs.
See related: Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Reeher Talks to Spectrum News About Upstate NY Congressional Races
“Because the district [New York District 22] was slightly redistricted in a way that made it somewhat more favorable to Democrats and because of the nature of the two candidates in this race, I would say that Mannion would probably be the favorite in this race,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.
See related: New York State, State & Local, U.S. Elections
Trudeau Explains How Criminal Governance Undermines Elections on Scope Conditions Podcast
“I've also heard stories from candidates who refused to cooperate with criminal group members and they were met with a lot of resistance,” says Jessie Trudeau, assistant professor of political science.
See related: Crime & Violence, Elections, Latin America & the Caribbean
Gadarian Comments on Harris’s Bid for Women Voters in Business Insider Article
Harris reshaped the election race by “advocating for women's health, reproductive freedom and abortion access more vocally and more powerfully than Biden did and than the Trump/Vance ticket is,” says Shana Gadarian, professor of poltical science.
See related: Federal, Gender and Sex, Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States