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Purser Weighs in on NY’s Warehouse Worker Protection Act in Article

June 21, 2022

Gretchen Purser

Gretchen Purser

New York lawmakers have passed the Warehouse Worker Protection Act which requires warehouse employers, like Amazon, to provide a written description of quotas that employees must meet. Under the legislation, the companies must also describe any “adverse employment action” if workers fail to meet the quotas.

Gretchen Purser, associate professor of sociology, says the legislation in New York reflects a growing awareness of the importance of warehouse workers in the wake of the pandemic. “I think it’s also an attempt to regulate enormous companies such as Amazon and their growing influence in terms of warehouse logistics and everything else,” she says. “It’s also a reflection of the very, very real documented challenges that workers face accessing their rights and protections in the workplace when they work for these large warehouses.”

Read more in the article, "As Amazon grows in Clay, NY lawmakers pass bill targeting e-commerce giant’s production quotas." 

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