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Wilson and Bendix Weigh In on Impact of Trump’s Policies on Future Wildfires in Newsweek Article

“We well know Trump does not accept the science of climate change and the reality of climate change. He's very dismissive of it,” says Robert Wilson, associate professor of geography and the environment. “Certainly, I've seen no news account over the past week where he's acknowledged that climate change has played a role in making the wildfires in California worse.”

January 15, 2025

Bendix Speaks With PEOPLE and Washington Post About the Wildfires in Los Angeles, Climate Change

“Both drought and heat are known to be more likely in the context of human-caused climate change, so the fires burning now cannot be dismissed as anomalous events,” says Jacob Bendix, professor emeritus of geography and the environment.

January 10, 2025

Huber Weighs In on the Vice Presidential Debate and the Topic of Climate Change in ABC News Article

Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment, says the VP debate was “evidence of the sad state of our climate discourse.“

October 15, 2024

Pralle Quoted in the Atlantic Article on Why Residents Were Caught off Guard by Hurricane Helene

So much of the response following disasters can feel piecemeal and reactive, says Sarah Pralle, associate professor of poltical science. “Every dollar we put into prevention is going to be a lot more efficiently spent,” she explains. In a world reshaped by climate change, “this idea that there’s safe places you can go hide is unrealistic.”

October 10, 2024

Huber Cited in ABC News Article on Republicans Making Misrepresentations on Climate Policies

Playing into those politics are gasoline prices, which have become a partial barometer of economic security, says Matthew Huber, professor of geography and environment. He also notes that that the oil and gas industry has history of funding research that contradicts climate science.

September 3, 2024

Huber Quoted in The Guardian on How Renewable Energy Tax Credits Disproportionately Help the Wealthy

Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment spoke, spoke to The Guardian on the Inflation Reduction Act’s residential tax credits and how the programs have disproportionately benefited wealthier Americans.

August 21, 2024

David Popp Co-Chairs National Academy of Sciences Committee

The group is, among other things, studying how two programs offered by the Department of Energy stimulate innovation and engage with small businesses.

August 5, 2024

Huber Quoted in Cronkite News Article on the Paris Olympics as a Blueprint of Sustainability

Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment, highlights the infrastructural advantage France has to promote sustainability. “France is known for having one of the most decarbonized electric grids in the world because they have about 70% of their electricity coming from nuclear power, which is zero carbon energy,” Huber says.

July 31, 2024

Huber Talks to WRVO About the Climate Crisis and Its Impact on Working-Class People

“If we can’t find a way to do decarbonization and climate policy, in addition to materially improving working people’s lives…I really do fear that a lot of working people aren’t going to be that sympathetic to the climate agenda,” says Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment.

July 11, 2024

Bendix Speaks to the Associated Press About a Study on the Impact of the 2023 Canadian Wildfires

“There is a quite substantial lag between addition of atmospheric carbon due to wildfire and the eventual removal of at least some of it by the regrowing forest. So, over the course of those decades, the net impact of the fires is a contribution to climate warming,” says Jacob Bendix, professor emeritus of geography and the environment. 

July 2, 2024

Golden Article on the Implications of EVs on State Budgets Published in Governing

“It’s not just the decline in fuel tax revenues and its impact on highway construction and maintenance,” says Jay Golden, Pontarelli Professor of Environmental Sustainability and Finance. “Real estate will also be affected, and sales taxes are likely to take a hit. States need to begin developing strategies.”
June 26, 2024

Bendix Quoted in Associated Press Article on the Corral Fire in California

Though this fire is nearly contained, in general, fire burns hotter when the weather is hotter, says Jacob Bendix, professor emeritus of geography and the environment. He adds that drought contributes to dangerous fire seasons, but paradoxically, wetter years can too.

June 13, 2024

See related: United States, Wildfires

Huber Weighs In on the Modern Electricity Grid on Bloomberg ‘Odd Lots’ Podcast

“Now this is where we reached this impasse where if we really want to totally restructure the grid, totally grow it in ways that can serve decarbonization, and AI...then perhaps this sort of more integrated, more central planning, more coordinated and socialized investment model could be more useful than this very scattered and sort of fragmented system we have now,” says Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment.

June 3, 2024

Huber Article on the Politics of Building Published in Damage Magazine

“The turn to a ‘politics of building’ is a welcome change in environmental thinking, but the green Left is still at odds in important ways with the labor movement, which better understands what is needed for deep decarbonization and, most importantly, has the power to help bring it about,” writes Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment.

May 1, 2024

The Dynamic Sustainability Lab: Creating a Sustainable Future

“We try to explain the environmental, economic and social benefits as well as possible unintended consequences and risks of the net-zero transition to decision makers,” says Jay Golden, founder and director of the lab and the Pontarelli Professor of Environmental Sustainability and Finance in the Maxwell School.

April 17, 2024

Siddiki, Baynes Honored for Excellence in Graduate Education

The student-driven award acknowledges faculty who have had a significant impact and positive influence on graduate education because of their superior graduate-level teaching, dedication to departmental and community presence and excellence in research and creative activities. 

April 15, 2024

See related: Awards & Honors

Report Co-Authored by Golden on Economic Impact of Bio-based Products Highlighted by USDA

The report, based on 2021 data, showed that the biobased products industry continued to grow, even during the economic setbacks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 12, 2024

The Next Wave of Energy Innovation: Which Technologies? Which Skills?

David Popp, Francesco Vona, Myriam Grégoire-Zawilski, Giovanni Marin

"The Next Wave of Energy Innovation: Which Technologies? Which Skills?," co-authored by David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.

February 15, 2024

Bendix Article on Increasing Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Physical Geography Published in Eos

"We need to be intentional in forging new pathways by which BIPOC students can find physical geography and achieve their desired level of education, because regardless of career end points, diversification depends on drawing in more students from marginalized groups," writes Professor Emeritus of Geography and the Environment Jacob Bendix and his co-authors.

February 9, 2024

Golden Examines Implications for Organizational Pledges to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions in New Book

Jay S. Golden

Jay S. Golden, Pontarelli Professor of Environmental Sustainability and Finance at the Maxwell School, has written “Dynamic Sustainability: Implications for Policy, Markets and National Security” (Cambridge University Press, 2023). 

January 5, 2024

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Center for Environmental Policy and Administration
200 Eggers Hall