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Center for Policy Research News

Madonna Harrington Meyer named University Professor

The prestigious distinction—a four-year, renewable appointment—is granted to faculty who excel in their fields and who have made extraordinary scholarly contributions as judged by their peers nationally and internationally. “Professor Harrington Meyer’s work is focused on some of the most persistent, difficult and relevant issues facing our society. Her research and teaching challenge us to think through and find solutions that better our communities,” says Vice Chancellor and Provost Michele Wheatly. 

July 22, 2019

Lee study on unmeasured cluster confounding and the bias of effect estimators published in SMMR

Yun Li, Yoonseok Lee, Friedrich K. Port & Bruce M. Robinson
July 10, 2019

Monnat study using census data to understand differences in drug mortality published in AJPH

Shannon M. Monnat, David J. Peters, Mark T. Berg & and Andrew Hochstetler
July 2, 2019

Flores-Lagunes article on quantile treatment effects published in JBES

German Blanco, Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
June 25, 2019

Monnat publishes study on impact of economic factors on opioid crisis

Shannon M. Monnat, David J. Peters, Mark T. Berg & Andrew Hochstetler
June 25, 2019

Lopoo discusses govt policies to increase US fertility rate in Medium

"Think about a professional woman who has completed college and some graduate work and may or may not be married, and if they’re married, they have a partner with a similar income," Len Lopoo, professor of public administration and international affairs and director of the Center for Policy Research, says. "So they’re sort of in the part of their careers where they’re really climbing rapidly."

June 11, 2019

Baltagi publishes study on successful exporting, foreign ownership

Badi H. Baltagi, Peter H. Egger & Michaela Kesina
June 11, 2019

Baltagi article on emissions and economic activities published in Annals of Economics and Statistics

Badi H. Baltagi, Georges Bresson & Jean-Michel Etienne
May 31, 2019

Ma quoted in SCMP article on Chinese students in US, visa challenges

"Many students are scared away already by the new policies even before going through the visa hurdles," says Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology.

May 24, 2019

Monnat study on opioid misuse initiation published in Journal of Addictive Diseases

Khary K. Rigg, Katherine McLean, Shannon M. Monnat, Glenn E Sterner III & Ashton M. Verdery
May 15, 2019

Harrington Meyer book Grandmothers at Work cited in LA Times

According to University Professor Harrington Meyer, grandmothers often share child-rearing duties and ease the childcare burden of working parents, a role that has only been increasing.

May 14, 2019

Yinger's expertise in residential discrimination cited in The Atlantic

"Community groups like the Urban League started doing audits and tests to show discrimination," John Yinger, Trustee Professor of Economics and Public Administration and International Affairs, said. "In 1973, the Urban League found a lot of discrimination in some of the properties that Trump Management owned."

May 14, 2019

Lopoo quoted in TIME article on paid family leave

Len Lopoo, professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed for the TIME article "Paid Family Leave Has Stalled in Congress for Years. Here's Why That's Changing.". Lopoo was asked about the political dimensions of Paid family leave, and why it has stumped congress for years.

May 7, 2019

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Center for Policy Research Events

Economics Department & CPR Co-Sponsored Lecture

110 Eggers Hall

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Chloe East (UC Denver) will present "The Labor Market Effects of Immigration Enforcement." This lecture is co-sponsored by Maxwell's Economics Department and CPR. For more information, please contact Emily Minnoe at 

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426 Eggers Hall