Monnat featured on NPR about the strain COVID19 has on urban hospitals
Shannon Monnat talks with NPR about the negative effects of COVID 19, especially the urban/rural divide where rural hospitals do not have the capacity to treat sick patients, and when they are sent to urban hospitals, puts strain on cities to keep up with the influx of hospital patients.
See related: COVID-19, United States, Urban Issues
Monnat discusses COVID-19 impact on rural communities with KCUR
"It’s not just the rural health care infrastructure that becomes overwhelmed when there aren’t enough hospital beds, it’s also the surrounding neighborhoods, the suburbs, the urban hospital infrastructure starts to become overwhelmed as well," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.
See related: COVID-19, Rural Issues, State & Local, United States
Monnat speaks about the negative effects of Coronavirus on rural areas
“It’s not just the rural health care infrastructure that becomes overwhelmed when there aren’t enough hospital beds, it’s also the surrounding neighborhoods, the suburbs, the urban hospital infrastructure starts to become overwhelmed as well," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.
See related: COVID-19, Rural Issues, United States
Landes quoted in New York Times article on COVID-19, people with IDD
See related: COVID-19, IDD, United States
Monnat quoted in Vox about COVID19 and the economy
“If we want people to feel comfortable enough to go back out to bars and restaurants, to travel, and to send their kids to school, we need to see a decline in cases, and people need to feel confident that their peers will behave responsibly for the greater good,” says Lerner Chair Shannon Monnat.
See related: COVID-19, Political Parties, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Monnat talks to Vox about the dichotomy between public health, economy
"If we want people to feel comfortable enough to go back out to bars and restaurants, to travel, and to send their kids to school, we need to see a decline in cases, and people need to feel confident that their peers will behave responsibly for the greater good," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.
See related: COVID-19, Political Parties, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Harrington Meyer discusses new book on Colgate University podcast
See related: Child & Elder Care, Disability, United States
Monnat talks to BuzzFeed News, Vox about COVID-19, Trump voter support
"The president has been asking Americans to deny what they see happening right in front of them. People are tired. They want to see some leadership and a coordinated national coronavirus response," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.
See related: COVID-19, U.S. Elections, United States
Monnat speaks to Buzzfeed about declining Trump support in wake of new COVID-19 deaths
“As we have started to see outbreaks in many parts of rural America, people are finally coming to see that rural areas are not immune, and they have even less capacity to cope with it,” says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.
See related: COVID-19, U.S. Elections, United States
New threats, familiar challenges: Maxwell responds to COVID-19
“The COVID pandemic is a great example of a current event that is changing every aspect of society—from how families are organized to how we deliver education and the structure of work,” says Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Colleen Heflin.
See related: COVID-19, U.S. Education
Monnat's study on trends in deaths among rural-urban working-age adults featured in Agri-Pulse
See related: Longevity, United States, Urban Issues
Landes cited in Harvard Political Review article on disability housing, COVID-19
See related: COVID-19, Housing, IDD, United States
Lerner Affiliate Madonna Harrington Meyer quoted in Houston Chronicle
"Grandparents across the nation have stepped into additional caretaking roles as parents are challenged with working while their children attend virtual school at home. Even those grandparents who are already the sole caretaker for their grandkids are now taxed with additional parenting duties, including learning the technology of virtual schooling," writes Lerner Faculty Affiliate and University Professor, Madonna Harrington Meyer.
See related: Child & Elder Care, COVID-19, United States
Monnat reacts to Amazon tracking opioid use in VICE article
"This is news to me, and it's disturbing," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "I asked around to other drug experts I know, and none of them knew this was happening. I am a bit shocked but shouldn't be. Corporations increasingly have access to a litany of data and know more about us than anyone else."
See related: Opioids, United States
Monnat Talks to Vice about Amazon Tracking Opioid Use in US
See related: Opioids, United States
Monnat quoted in CNN article about issues with 2020 Census
Lerner Chair Shannon Monnat says, "the Census is the most important data in our country. Census data matter more than any other data that are collected by anyone in the U.S. A 2020 Census failure is a failure for the whole country."
See related: COVID-19, Federal, United States
Monnat comments on the importance of census data in CNN article
"Census data matter more than any other data that are collected by anyone in the U.S. A 2020 Census failure is a failure for the whole country," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.
See related: COVID-19, Federal, United States
Lerner Faculty Affiliate publishes new book: Grandparenting Children with Disabilities
See related: Child & Elder Care, Children, Adolescents, Disability, United States
Monnat talks to Bloomberg about rising suicide rates among US kids
See related: Children, Adolescents, COVID-19, Longevity, Mental Health, United States
Montez study on life expectancy, state policies featured in Huffington Post
See related: Longevity, Political Parties, State & Local, U.S. Health Policy, United States