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Social Support Protected Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jennifer Kowalkowski and Danielle Rhubart

This brief shows that those who reported having emotional support from family and friends were less likely to report negative mental health effects from the COVID-19 pandemic (32.9%) compared to those without emotional support (50.2%). 

September 23, 2022

Expansions in the U.S. Child Care and Development Block Grant Improved Program Stability

Hyojeong Kim, Colleen Heflin, Taryn Morrissey

This brief summarizes the policy changes made in Virginia and describes how those changes improved child care subsidy stability and participation in that state.

September 23, 2022

Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health Better in States that Mandate More Mental Health Policies

Stephanie Spera , Shannon M. Monnat

This research brief shows that adolescent and young adult mental health is better in states that mandate more school mental health policies, including school-based mental health centers, professional development in suicide prevention, and social-emotional curricula.

July 11, 2022

The Chances of Dying Young Differ Dramatically Across U.S. States

Nader Mehri , Jennifer Karas Montez
This data slice shows state-level differences in rates of death by ages 30, 50 and 65.
June 21, 2022

Resilience is Low among Both Military and Non-Military Populations with PTSD

Kelsey E. Roberts, Janet M. Wilmoth, Shannon M. Monnat

This data slice uses data from the National Wellbeing Survey to examine resilience among U.S. working-age adults with and without PTSD by their relationship to the military.

June 14, 2022

COVID Negatively Impacted Health & Social Relationships among Working-Age Adults with Disabilities

Claire Pendergrast, Shannon M. Monnat
This research brief shows that working-age adults (18-64) with ADL difficulty faced worse health and social impacts than their peers without ADL difficulty during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
May 31, 2022

Plant-Centered Diets Among Older Adults: The Need for Improved Nutritional Health Messaging

Margaret Rose

One way aging adults may mitigate disease onset and progression is through increased consumption of plant-based foods.

May 24, 2022

Nine Ways Grandparenting is Changing with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Madonna Harrington Meyer

This research brief describes these long-term sociodemographic changes and uses in-depth interviews conducted before the pandemic to illustrate nine specific ways grandparenting is shifting in the U.S.

May 17, 2022

COVID-19 Has Reduced the Latino Mortality Advantage among Older Adults

Marc A. Garcia , Rogelio Sáenz

This research brief examines Latino-white differences in COVID-19 mortality rates among older adults and describes how those disparities have reduced the Latino mortality advantage in this age group.

May 12, 2022

Civil Rights Firearm Safety Environmental Protection Policy Predict Better Health among US Midlife

Blakelee R. Kemp, Jacob M. Grumbach, Jennifer Karas Montez

This research brief examines the association between several state policies and self-rated health among adults ages 45-64 from 1993 to 2016.

May 10, 2022

Social Infrastructure (“Third Places”) is Not Distributed Equally Across the U.S.

Danielle C. Rhubart, Yue Sun, Claire Pendergrast, Shannon M. Monnat

This data slice shows that third places are not evenly distributed across the U.S.

May 3, 2022

White COVID-19 Deaths Increased More in Red States Than in Blue States in 2021

Rogelio Saenz, Marc A. Garcia

While the early months of the pandemic were marked by higher mortality rates among Whites in blue (Democratic governor) states, red states (Republican governor) experienced larger increases in 2021.

April 26, 2022

Mental Health After Injury: How Neighborhoods Impact Recovery

Bryce Hruska, Maria L. Pacella-LaBarbara, Ivan E. Castro, Richard L. George, Douglas L. Delahanty

This brief examines several aspects of neighborhood context and their relationship to PTSD symptom severity following an injury.

April 12, 2022

Safe Consumption Sites are Critical to Reducing Drug Overdoses

Alexandra Punch

This issue brief advocates for the implementation of safe consumption sites across the U.S. and calls for the revocation of the Crack House Statute to reduce the risks related to drug use and drug use mortality.

April 5, 2022

Unhealthy Workplace Conditions Contribute to Physician Suicide

Mariah Brennan Nanni , Alexandra Punch
Describes the unhealthy workplace conditions that contribute to poor mental health among physicians and calls for policies that encourage physicians to seek help and rest without the fear of punishment.
March 29, 2022

Medical Visits Related to Firearm Injuries Increased During COVID-19

Rachel Chernet , Margaret K. Formica

When COVID-19 began its initial wave in the United States in March 2020, gun sales surged across the country.

March 22, 2022

Rural Adults Report Worse COVID-19 Impacts than Urban Adults

Shannon M. Monnat

Across most outcomes, rural residents fared worse than their urban peers

March 15, 2022

COVID-19 Deaths Soared among U.S. Whites in 2021

Rogelio Saenz, Marc A. Garcia, Claire Pendergrast

While people of color have borne the brunt of lives lost throughout the pandemic, the growth in White deaths from COVID-19 outpaced deaths among other racial/ethnic groups in 2021. 

March 8, 2022

Most Home-Delivered Meal Recipients with Dementia Receive Support from Friends and Family

Claire Pendergrast

This research brief shows that home-delivered meal recipients with dementia receive significant support from friends and family, but 83% would like more social activity. 

March 2, 2022

Aging and Disability Services are Unequally Distributed Across the United States

Claire Pendergrast, Danielle Rhubart

As the U.S. population ages, demand for aging and disability services will increase, but 15% of U.S. counties have no aging and disability services organizations.

February 22, 2022

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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health