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Uncertainty Leads to Less Accuracy on Death Certificates for Adults with Intellectual Disability

Erin Bisesti, Scott D. Landes

This research brief examines whether uncertainty surrounding the death is associated with the inaccurate reporting of intellectual disability as the underlying cause of death.

March 4, 2021

Stroke: Identifying Symptoms and Acting Fast to Save Lives and Prevent Permanent Disabilities

Mary E. Helander, Bernard Appiah, Miriam Mutambudzi

This issue brief describes stroke symptoms and prevention guidelines, summarizes the information 9-1-1 callers should be prepared to provide when someone is having a stroke, and discusses the importance of acting quickly to save lives and long-term damage.

March 2, 2021

The Public Good, Bad Policies, and Tough Times: When Profit and Public Interests Collide

Austin McNeill Brown, Shannon M. Monnat

This issue brief describes how privatization of public goods undermines public health, damages public trust, and erodes democracy and provides suggestions for how we can rethink policies to value people over profits instead of valuing profits over people.

February 23, 2021

Oral Health Is Important, but How Important?

Alexander G. Dengel

This issue brief describes the short- and long-term effects of a poor dental health routine and the simple steps necessary to maintain a healthy smile.

February 22, 2021

Unmet Needs Associated with Increased Stress and Poor Physical and Mental Health in Early Adulthood

Colleen Heflin, Katie Green, Ying Huang, Asiya Validova

This research brief examines how different types of material hardship (difficulty paying for food, bills, and health care) are associated with self-rated health, depression, sleep problems, and suicidal thoughts among U.S. young adults (ages 24-32).

February 18, 2021

Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Develop Increased Income Rural PA Families Youth Obesity Remained High

Molly A. Martin

 A new study finds that despite increased income due to Marcellus Shale, childhood obesity in rural PA remain unchanged.

February 16, 2021

Area Agencies on Aging Provide Crucial Support for Older New Yorkers During COVID-19

Claire Pendergrast

This research brief discusses how Area Agencies on Aging are providing crucial support for older NewYorkers during COVID-19.

February 8, 2021

Wastewater Testing Shows Pharmaceutical & Illicit Drug Use Higher in Places COVID is More Prevalent

Kerrie Marshall , Arik Palileo, Eric Schiff, Teng Zeng

Wastewater testing shows that pharmaceutical and illicit drug use are higher in places were COVID-19 is more prevalent.

January 28, 2021

Expanding Public Insurance Eligibility Increases Substance Use Treatment Provider Acceptance of

Sarah Hamersma , Johanna Catherine Maclean

Expanding eligibility thresholds for Medicaid and CHIP leads to increased access to and use of substance use treatment among adolescents.

January 27, 2021

Anxious Times and Anxiety Drugs

Noah Atlas, Austin McNeill Brown

Experts worry that inconsistent access to physicians as a result of stay-at-home orders will lead dependent patients to seek counterfeit or street drugs if their prescriptions lapse.

January 26, 2021

Allowing Cities to Raise the Minimum Wage Could Prevent Hundreds of Infant Deaths Annually

Douglas A. Wolf, Shannon M. Monnat, Jennifer Karas Montez

This research brief discusses findings that show each additional dollar of minimum wage reduces infant deaths by up to 1.8% annually in large U.S. cities.

January 18, 2021

The Sugar Industry Gets Rich and We Get Sick

Mary Katherine A. Schutt, Shannon M. Monnat

This issue brief takes a deep dive into strategies the sugar industry uses to gain profits while making us sick.

January 14, 2021

Self-Esteem and Long-term Recovery from Substance Use Disorders

Mariah Brennan Nanni, Austin McNeill Brown

This brief describes how self-esteem and other strength-based measures of personal growth are better indicators of recovery progress.

January 12, 2021

COVID Risk for people with Intellectual or Development Disabilities Varies by Type of Residence

Ashlyn W. W. A. Wong , Scott D. Landes

COVID-19 case and fatality rates are higher for people with IDD who are living in Skilled Nursing Facilities compared with those living in other types of facilities or those living in individual residences or their family home.

January 5, 2021

Progress in Closing Age-at-Death Disparity for Adults with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities

Scott D. Landes

Intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) directly impact the course of an individual’s life, including the age at which they die.
December 15, 2020

Less Worthy Lives? We Must Prioritize People with Disabilities in COVID Vaccine Allocation

Scott D. Landes, Margaret A. Turk, Katherine E. McDonald, Maya Sabatello

Individuals with developmental and intellectual disability should prioritized during COVID-19 vaccination allocation.

December 10, 2020

The Mental Health Toll of COVID-19

Xiaoyan Zhang

The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly disrupted Americans' lives. The share of U.S. adults reporting unmet mental health treatment needs has been rising steadily over the past couple of months. Rates are even higher for adults with children in the household.

December 8, 2020

Health is Political: Public Health Practitioners and Researchers Should be Trained Accordingly

Claire Pendergrast

Policy has long been considered a core element of public health practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that public health practice and research exist within a political context that cannot be ignored.

December 1, 2020

COVID-19 Reduced Outpatient Visits by up to 70% in the US

Pinka Chatterji, Yue Li

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for healthcare providers. Outpatient visits dropped by up to 70% relative to the same weeks in prior years.

November 17, 2020

Large Disparities between U.S. States in Cardiovascular Mortality among Adults aged 55 and Older

Nader Mehri

Over the past 20 years, declines in cardiovascular disease mortality rates have been much smaller in some U.S. states than others. Rates have also started to increase in some states in recent years.

October 29, 2020

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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health