ACA Medicaid Expansions Did Not Significantly Improve Maternal Morbidity
Older Adults with a History of Psychiatric Conditions Experience More Cognitive Decline
Democratic Erosion Predicts Rising Deaths from Drug Poisoning and Infectious Disease
Collegiate Recovery Programs are An Effective But Underused Resource on College Campuses
How Did Healthcare Affordability Change for U.S. Adults with ID After Implementing the ACA?
Medicaid-Insured Older Adults on SNAP May Have Stronger Medication Adherence
Financial Rewards Tied to Quality Measures Lead Home Health Agencies to Exaggerate Improvements
What is the Effect of Opioid Use During Pregnancy on Infant Health and Wellbeing at Birth?
This brief summarizes the results from a study that evaluated the effects of exposure to prescription and illicit opioids during pregnancy on infant health and wellbeing at birth.
Federal Medication-Assisted Treatment Expansion Grants Do Not Reduce Homelessness
Which Demographic Groups and Which Places Have the Highest Drug Overdose Rates in the U.S.?
Over Two-Thirds of Opioid Overdose Victims in Canada were Employed Before They Died
The OxyContin® Reformulation in 2010 Increased States’ Food Insecurity Rates
Counties with Higher Prescription Opioid Presence Have Slower Student Learning Rates
U.S. Counties with Higher Drug Overdose Rates Have Lower School Test Scores.
How has the Opioid Overdose Crisis Affected Child Maltreatment in the U.S.?
How Has the Opioid Crisis Affected Health, Health Care Use, and Crime in the United States?
The Opioid Epidemic Has Disrupted Children’s Living Arrangements
Opioid Treatment Programs Can Reduce Opioid-Related Emergency Dept Visits and Foster Care Placements
Poor Children Have Lower Literacy Skills than their Higher-Income Peers
This study finds that children in households that participate in more than one social assistance program (such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs, and Free or Reduced-Price Lunch) have lower literacy skills when they enter kindergarten than children whose households participate in fewer or no social programs.
State COVID-19 Policies that Restricted In-Person Interaction and Economic Support Saved Lives
This brief summarizes the results of a recent study examining how U.S. states’ COVID-19 policies were related to COVID-19 mortality rates from April to December 2020.