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Restoration of the Wic Wac Valley

Jeff Loux (University of California-Davis)
July 29, 2021

The End of Diversity Policy? Wake County Public Schools and Student Assignment

Jenni Owen & Megan Kauffmann (Duke University)
July 29, 2021

To Collaborate… or Not?

Rosemary O’Leary (University of Kansas)
July 29, 2021

Place to Call Home: Addressing Dublin’s Homelessness

Mary-Lee Rhodes, Gemma Donnelly Cox (Trinity College Dublin) & Ann Torres (National University of Ireland)
July 29, 2021

Simple Network Collaborative Process

Julia Carboni (Indiana University)
July 29, 2021

See related: Government

Negotiating Science and Policy in Collaborative Hydropower Licensing

Nicola Ulibarri (University of California) & Kirk Emerson (University of Arizona)
July 29, 2021

Roles of Public Managers in Networked Governance

William Butler, Catherine Lampi & Francisco Rosado (Florida State University)
July 29, 2021

Why is a 545-Mile Bicycle Ride A Case Study of Collaborative Governance?

Mark W. Davis (University of Pennsylvania)
July 29, 2021

Silver World: Science in International Policy Making

Svetoslava Todorova (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021

The Edwards Aquifer

Adam Zerrenner (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Austin Office) and Robert Gulley (Texas State University)
July 29, 2021

Pablo-Burford Sustainable Water Quality Network

Rosemary O'Leary & Rob Alexander (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021

DeBola: A Prisoner's Dilemma Simulation-Game for NGOs

Noam Ebner (Creighton University)
July 29, 2021

Pioneer Scouts of Rose Ravine- CASE

Trent A. Engbers (University of Southern Indiana)
July 29, 2021

The Whittier Sewer Project Case

Ricardo S. Morse & John B. Stephens (University of North Carolina)
July 29, 2021

Cross-sector Collaboration and Urban Revitalization in Buffalo, NY

Madeleine R. Hamlin and Jesse Lecy (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021

Corruption in Atlantikk Simulation

Tina Nabatchi & Rigo Melgar-Melgar (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Simulation

Khaldoun AbouAssi (American University) & Tina Nabatchi (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021

Building a Healthy Community

Victoria Lowerson and Martha S. Feldman (University of California, Irvine)
July 29, 2021

A Struggle for Power and Control over Service Delivery in the Nonprofit Sector

Melissa Brazil and Eli Teram Wilfrid (Laurier University)
July 29, 2021

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The Labor Movement in the Age of Trump: Challenges and Prospects

220 Eggers Hall, Strasser Legacy Room

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Presented by the Labor Studies Working Group.  Guest Speaker: Jeffrey Grabelsky, Associate Director, The Worker Institute at the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell University.  

The Labor Studies Working Group is an interdisciplinary group of faculty members and graduate students from Syracuse University. The primary goal of the group is to institutionalize Labor Studies at SU and to elevate labor―broadly defined―as a topic of intellectual inquiry and social and political importance on campus. The group meets on a regular basis to discuss research concerning labor and employment and to spark conversation on these issues on campus and in the community.   
The Labor Studies Working Group organizes workshops on faculty and graduate student research and symposia which are designed to bring together leading labor scholars with activists and/or practitioners to explore pertinent issues facing workers and workers’ movements. If you are interested in helping to plan, organize, or attend labor studies group events, contact the coordinators: Professor Gretchen Purser,, 315.443.5848 and Professor Matt Huber,, 315.443.3845.                          

Sponsored by the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) of the Syracuse University Maxwell School.

If you require accommodations, please contact Deborah Toole by email at or by phone at 315.443.2367.

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Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall