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Taylor Weighs In on Trump’s Ukraine Peace Plan in Newsweek Article

“The idea of a peace plan for Russia's war against Ukraine sounds nice, but the ideas proposed by two Trump advisers would not be acceptable to either Russia or Ukraine,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science and director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

July 5, 2024

Understanding the Emergence of Computational Institutional Science

Nicholas Oesterling, Graham Ambrose, Jiho Kim
"Understanding the Emergence of Computational Institutional Science: A Review of Computational Modeling of Institutions and Institutional Dynamics," co-authored by Nicholas Oesterling, Graduate Research Associate for the Center for Policy Design and Governance and the Center for Policy Research, Graham Ambrose, Graduate Research Associate for the Center for Policy Design and Governance and the Center for Policy Research, and Jiho Kim, Graduate Research Associate for the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration, was published in the International Journal of the Commons.
June 21, 2024

See related: Research Methods

McCormick Talks to NewsNation About Mexico’s New President, Ability to Deal With Drug Cartels

“When she [Claudia Sheinbaum] comes in, she is inheriting this mess, but she doesn’t necessarily have the charisma that (López Obrador) does,” says Gladys McCormick, Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations. “So it’s going to be a tall ask.”

June 14, 2024

Taylor Discusses the Impact of Ukraine Using Western Weapons Against Russia With Fox News, La Presse

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that the authorization given by the U.S. and Germany to Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil with weapons they supply could have an impact on the balance of power on Ukrainian territory.

June 11, 2024

Huber Weighs In on the Modern Electricity Grid on Bloomberg ‘Odd Lots’ Podcast

“Now this is where we reached this impasse where if we really want to totally restructure the grid, totally grow it in ways that can serve decarbonization, and AI...then perhaps this sort of more integrated, more central planning, more coordinated and socialized investment model could be more useful than this very scattered and sort of fragmented system we have now,” says Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment.

June 3, 2024

Kriesberg Discusses Ways Out of the War in Gaza in Foreign Policy in Focus Blog

“Each of the possible changes in the current conflict in Gaza looks improbable, until steps are taken to make it happen,” says Louis Kriesberg, professor emeritus of sociology and Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies.

June 2, 2024

Towards Sustainable Cultural Institutions for a New Nation

Elke Selter, Jok Madut Jok

“Towards Sustainable Cultural Institutions for a New Nation: Creating a National Museum and Archives for South Sudan,” co-authored by Professor of Anthropology Jok Madut Jok, was published in Museum International.

May 23, 2024

Griffiths Talks to USA Today About Eastern Oregon’s Secession Effort

"It's a pipe dream, in a way. What they're doing is partly performative, for ideological purposes," says Ryan Griffiths, professor of political science. "A lot of time, secessionist movements are really just bargaining efforts."

May 21, 2024

Purser Weighs In on the Troubled Housing Market in Syracuse and New York State on WCNY

“We are really dealing with two interrelated issues here. The first being the crisis of affordability, but the other one being the crisis of habitability. So changing the zoning isn't going to address some of the most pressing issues that tenants face in our community and so I think we really need to have a multipronged approach to address the housing crisis,” says Gretchen Purser, associate professor of sociology.

May 20, 2024

Taylor Talks to the Associated Press, Wall Street Journal About Putin’s Fifth Term

“The war in Ukraine is central to his current political project, and I don’t see anything to suggest that that will change. And that affects everything else,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science and director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

May 10, 2024

Huber Article on the Politics of Building Published in Damage Magazine

“The turn to a ‘politics of building’ is a welcome change in environmental thinking, but the green Left is still at odds in important ways with the labor movement, which better understands what is needed for deep decarbonization and, most importantly, has the power to help bring it about,” writes Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment.

May 1, 2024

Thompson Weighs In on Relations Between US Sisters and the Vatican in Global Sisters Report

Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science, says one of the biggest reasons for the changing relationship is that [Pope] Francis and other key decision-makers were members of religious congregations themselves. "I think that made a big difference," she says.

April 30, 2024

See related: Religion, United States

Taylor Discusses ‘Trump 2.0’ With the Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says a key feature of Trump 2.0 would likely be that the president would not have as many Russia-sceptics in his sphere. "If Trump is elected in 2024, he will surround himself with people who adhere to his worldview and are therefore less hostile to Russia and more sympathetic to Putin."

April 22, 2024

Siddiki, Baynes Honored for Excellence in Graduate Education

The student-driven award acknowledges faculty who have had a significant impact and positive influence on graduate education because of their superior graduate-level teaching, dedication to departmental and community presence and excellence in research and creative activities. 

April 15, 2024

See related: Awards & Honors

Peacebuilding Through Cooperation in Health Care and Public Health Between Israel and Palestine

Linda Young Landesman, Robert A. Rubinstein, Robert A., Brian S. Englander

“Peacebuilding Through Cooperation in Health Care and Public Health Between Israel and Palestine,” co-authored by Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Robert Rubinstein, was published in the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice.

April 12, 2024

Citizenship and Bureaucratic Indifference in Refugee-UNHCR Correspondence

Lamis Abdelaaty

"'The Greatest and Most Important Human Right': Citizenship and Bureaucratic Indifference in Refugee-UNHCR Correspondence," authored by Lamis Abdelaaty, associate professor of political science, was published in Migration Politics.

April 9, 2024

Taylor Provides an Update on Russia's War with Ukraine on Campbell Conversations

“In general, not a huge amount of change,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. “Russia is on the front foot now because Ukraine is running out of ammunition, especially artillery. And this has to do with the hold up on the U.S. military assistance package in the U.S. Congress over the last half year.”

March 30, 2024

Sultana Piece on Collaborating to Advance Water Justice Published in Nature

“Globally, safe water access for all can be achieved only by involving Indigenous and local communities in water governance and climate planning. People are not voiceless, they simply remain unheard. The way forward is through listening,” says Farhana Sultana, professor of geography and the environment.

March 22, 2024

See related: Climate Change, Water

Have Repertoire, Will Travel: Nonviolence as Global Contentious Performance

Selina Gallo-Cruz

"Have Repertoire, Will Travel: Nonviolence as Global Contentious Performance," written by Associate Professor of Sociology Selina Gallo-Cruz, was published by Cambridge University Press.

March 20, 2024

See related: Conflict

Taylor Discusses Putin and Russia’s Presidential Election With CBS News, Newsweek, Al Jazeera

“Really, we have 24 years of watching Putin build an increasingly repressive, authoritarian state. So the main purpose of elections like this in an authoritarian country is to show everyone that Putin is forever, there is no alternative to Putin, there's no point in resisting his state,” says Brian Taylor, director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

March 18, 2024

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Conflict Management Center- Basic Training Part 2: Interest-Based Problem Solving

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The workshop will be presented by Tina Nabatchi, Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs.  

Workshop description: How do you get beyond “this is what I want” and “this is what you want” in a conflict? How do you identify creative solutions to problems? This workshop is a follow-up to the Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening training, though attendance at our first training is not required. IBPS is an approach to addressing conflict that seeks to identify and satisfy the underlying interests of all parties. This interactive workshop focuses on the basic steps of IBPS. You will learn about tools and skills for identifying interests, reframing problems, and generating and deciding on mutually satisfying solutions. Add this 'tool' to your conflict management toolbox in an interactive, participatory workshop format. The workshop is FREE and OPEN to all! Morning coffee and lunch will be provided. 

To register for this workshop email:

The Conflict Management Center (CMC) is a student-led, educational project of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) of the Syracuse University's Maxwell School.    

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Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall