Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Education
Ma discusses how western universities can help Chinese students in Times Higher Education
According to Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology, and her co-authors, U.S. institutions need to invest more in direct recruiting in China, do more to integrate Chinese students, and provide diverse networking opportunities for them.
See related: China, U.S. Education, United States
Maxwell, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore explore expanding collaboration
Maxwell’s partnership with the government of India and IIMB continues the efforts of civil servants and academics from both countries to learn from each other. “This is an active partnership that works for all parties,” Dan Nelson, international program manager, says.
See related: Education, Government, India, United States
Armstrong speaks to the Hill about new Harriet Tubman film
See related: Black, Education, Gender and Sex, Housing, Human Rights, United States
Jackson shares her perspective on racial acts on campus in Washington Post
Jenn Jackson writer about the #NotAgainSU movement, discussing her experience with racism on the Syracuse University campus. "These events force us to confront the thin line between our beliefs and our practices,"
See related: New York State, Race & Ethnicity, Social Justice, U.S. Education
Jackson talks about fighting bigotry during the holidays in Teen Vogue
See related: Education, Gender and Sex, Income, Race & Ethnicity, Social Justice, United States
Monnat takes part in White House roundtable aimed at reducing opioid overdoses
“Many people who misuse opioids are also misusing other substances, and a common driver of this is self-medicating,” says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, whose research examines the connections between social disadvantage, place, public policy and health.
See related: Addiction, Federal, Opioids, U.S. Education, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Zhu weighs in on fossil fuel divestment in Harvard Crimson
Maria Zhu, assistant professor of economics, says that the University of California’s decision could be "a sign that the tides are shifting" on universities’ economic views of investing in fossil fuels. “If it has a positive impact, I do believe more schools will eventually divest for financial reasons, given that most of them tend to think social implications of divesting are positive or neutral at worst."
See related: Environment, U.S. Education, United States
White quoted in NY Post article on Warren's segregationist gaffe
"Regarding [Elizabeth] Warren’s use of [Frances] Perkins in her speech tonight: I just want to note that this [Perkins' opposition to the Brown v. Board of Education verdict] is something Perkins said near the end of her life, was buried in an extremely long academic oral history interview, and isn’t really public knowledge," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.
See related: Race & Ethnicity, SCOTUS, U.S. Education, United States
MPA student Wesley Wilson writes about the 90/10 loophole in The Hill
See related: U.S. Education, United States, Veterans
Maxwell partners with APSIA to host PISA Network training
See related: Education, New York State, Student Experience