Center for Policy Research News
Training Future Professors in Public Budgeting, Finance, and Financial Management
“Training future professors in public budgeting, finance, and financial management: The Inter-University Consortium for PhD courses,” co-authored by Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in the Journal of Public Affairs Education.
See related: Education, United States
Tuning Parameter-Free Nonparametric Density Estimation From Tabulated Summary Data
“Tuning Parameter-Free Nonparametric Density Estimation From Tabulated Summary Data,” co-authored by Associate Professor of Economics Yulong Wang, was published in the Journal of Econometrics.
See related: Research Methods
Ueda-Ballmer Discusses the Issue Facing Japanese Women When Considering Marriage in Foreign Policy
Michiko Ueda-Ballmer, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, says many young Japanese women would like to get married, “but they simply cannot afford it. The result is that people don’t get married.”
See related: East Asia, Gender and Sex, Government, Income, Parenting & Family
RSF Grant Supports Research on Youth Poverty, Housing and International Migration
Maxwell sociologist Sean J. Drake is exploring the neighborhood and school experiences of refugee and other migrant youth in Syracuse and New York City.
See related: Children, Adolescents, Grant Awards, Housing, Income, New York State, Parenting & Family, Refugees
Ueda-Ballmer Quoted in New York Times Article on Subway Platform Safety
Michiko Ueda-Ballmer, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, says the authority should install at least small metal gates to make the system safer. “It’s better than nothing,” she says. “If there’s somebody pushed, just by accident, and if you have metal bars, I think that would definitely help.”
See related: Infrastructure, Mental Health, New York City
Yilin Hou Honored with 2023 Aaron Wildavsky Award for Lifetime Achievement
Provided by the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, the award honors his contributions to public administration, budgeting, financial management and fiscal policy analysis.
See related: Awards & Honors
Maxwell Sociologists Honored and Elected to Leadership Positions at ASA Annual Meeting
Prema Kurien and Janet M. Wilmoth received awards, and several faculty colleagues were elected to roles in the American Sociological Association.
See related: Awards & Honors, Promotions & Appointments
Maxwell Sociologists Receive $1.8 Million From the NIA to Study Midlife Health and Mortality
The research team led by Jennifer Karas Montez and Shannon Monnat hopes to better understand how state policies and local economic conditions impact health and mortality rates.
See related: Longevity, Rural Issues, U.S. Health Policy, United States, Urban Issues
Extreme Changes in Changes
“Extreme Changes in Changes,” co-authored by Associate Professor of Economics Yulong Wang, was published in the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
See related: Research Methods
Explaining the US Rural Disadvantage in COVID-19 Case and Death Rates During the Delta-Omicron Surge
"Explaining the U.S. rural disadvantage in COVID-19 case and Death rates during the Delta-Omicron surge: The role of politics, vaccinations, population health, and social determinants," co-authored by Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat, was published in Social Science & Medicine.
See related: COVID-19, Rural Issues, United States
Maxwell School Announces Recent Faculty Additions
See related: Promotions & Appointments
Understanding Regulation Using the Institutional Grammar 2.0
"Understanding regulation using the Institutional Grammar 2.0," co-authored by Saba Siddiki, director of the Center for Policy Design and Governance, was published in Regulation & Governance.
See related: Research Methods, United States
Limiting Governments from Enacting Public Health Emergency Orders Led to Higher COVID-19 Death Rates
The emergency public health policies that state and local governments enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in lower infection and death rates than would have occurred without these policies. New research from CPR & Lerner Postdoctoral Scholar Xue Zhang finds that states with unified Republican control were more likely to limit emergency authority during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in higher COVID-19 death rates in those states.
Adoption Of Standard Medical Deduction Increased SNAP Enrollment and Benefits in 21 States
"Adoption Of Standard Medical Deduction Increased SNAP Enrollment And Benefits In 21 Participating States," co-authored by Professors Jun Li and Colleen Heflin, and Ph.D. student Dongmei Zuo, was published in Health Affairs.
See related: Food Security, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Maxwell School Announces 2023 Faculty Promotions
Six faculty members were granted tenure and promoted to associate professor and three were promoted to professor.
See related: Promotions & Appointments
Local Control, Discretion, and Administrative Burden: SNAP Interview Waivers/Caseloads During COVID
"Local Control, Discretion, and Administrative Burden: SNAP Interview Waivers and Caseloads During the COVID-19 Pandemic," co-authored by Maxwell faculty members Colleen Heflin and Leonard Lopoo, and doctoral student William Clay Fannin, was published in The American Review of Public Administration.
See related: COVID-19, Food Security, U.S. Health Policy, United States
Ueda-Ballmer Weighs In on Japan’s Mental Health Crisis, Gender Inequality in The Nation Article
“Suicide was always a men’s issue,” says Michiko Ueda-Ballmer, associate professor of public administration and international affairs. During the pandemic, “suddenly, women’s suffering became visible.” For the first time, “the government was forced to confront an approach to suicide prevention that had previously focused exclusively on middle-aged men.”
See related: East Asia, Gender and Sex, Health Policy, Income, Labor, Mental Health
Students, Faculty Receive Spring 2023 SOURCE and Honors Research Grants
The awards support undergraduate research projects.
See related: Awards & Honors, Grant Awards, Student Experience
RIDGE Partnership Grant Supports Maternity Health Research
Associate Professor Sarah Hamersma and graduate student Mitch McFarlane will use the $75,000 grant to investigate the impacts of SNAP food assistance on maternal and infant health.
See related: Food Security, Grant Awards, Income, Nutrition, Parenting & Family, Student Experience
Yingyi Ma Speaks to The World About Declining Number of Chinese Students Studying at US Universities
Yingyi Ma, professor of sociology, says that around 2018-2019, American universities began to see a slight decrease in the number of Chinese students. “And then the pandemic hit,” Ma says. “And with the rising geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China...[it] made Chinese students hesitate to come to the United States to study.”
See related: China, U.S. Education, United States
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Center for Policy Research Events
Economics presents: Chris Parmeter
426 Eggers Hall
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Chris Parmeter is an Associate Professor of Economics at University of Miami and will present his study,
“Calculating the Number of Parameters in Multivariate Local Polynomial Regression”(co-authored with Nadine McCloud)
For more information, please contact Matt O'Keefe by email at
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