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Maxwell School Faculty

Areas of Expertise

Race, class and gender, science and technology

Mary E. Lovely

Mary E. Lovely

Professor Emerita, Economics Department

Maxwell Professor of Teaching Excellence

Melvin A. Eggers Economics Faculty Scholar

Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

336 Eggers Hall | 315.443.9048 |

Areas of Expertise

International trade and investment, China's trade and sustainable development

Aaron Luedtke

Aaron Luedtke

Assistant Professor, History Department

Faculty Affiliate, Native American and Indigenous Studies Program

Faculty Affiliate, Lender Center for Social Justice

Faculty Affiliate, Research for Social Action and Equity (RISE) Center, Northwestern University

Areas of Expertise

United States history and Native American and Indigenous studies engaging specifically with the intersection of settler colonialism theory and Native survivance

Amy Lutz

Amy Lutz

Associate Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Areas of Expertise

Race and ethnicity, immigration, bilingualism, educational inequality

Areas of Expertise

Managerial leadership, NGO management

Tidiane Ly
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Tidiane Ly

Assistant Professor, Economics Department

508 Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Public economics, urban Economics, public policy evaluation

Yingyi Ma

Yingyi Ma

Professor, Sociology Department

Director, Asian/Asian American Studies

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Advisory Board Member and Senior Research Associate, East Asia Program

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3716 |

Areas of Expertise

Education, migration, Asian/Asian American studies

Kyrstin Mallon Andrews

Kyrstin Mallon Andrews

Assistant Professor, Anthropology Department

Advisory Board Member and Senior Research Associate, Program on Latin America and the Caribbean

125 Eggers Hall | 315.443.4216 |

Areas of Expertise

Medical and environmental anthropology, Caribbean, maritime studies, fishing, multispecies, environmental governance, conservation, risk and injury, the Dominican Republic

Frederick D. Marquardt

Frederick D. Marquardt

Assistant Professor Emeritus, History Department

Maxwell Professor of Teaching Excellence

Areas of Expertise

German social history

Ryan McCarthy

Maxwell Dean’s Scholar in Residence

24th U.S. Secretary of the Army (2019-2021)

Areas of Expertise


Robert D. McClure

Robert D. McClure

Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department

Maxwell Professor of Teaching Excellence

Areas of Expertise

American politics, leadership, mass communication

Gladys McCormick

Gladys McCormick

Associate Professor, History Department

Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Maxwell School

Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

200 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2006 |

Areas of Expertise

Latin America and the Caribbean, nineteenth- and twentieth-century Mexico

Areas of Expertise

International political economy, international finance, international monetary system, IMF

Sean McFate

Sean McFate

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

Professor, The National Defense University, College of International Security Affairs

Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service

Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council

202.685.7770 |

Areas of Expertise

Grand strategy, national security, future warfare

Areas of Expertise

Development economics, natural resource economics, African agricultural development

Areas of Expertise

Urban and political geography, housing, comparative studies

Susan W. S. Millar

Susan W. S. Millar

Associate Professor Emeritus, Geography and the Environment Department

532 Eggers Hall | 315.443.5635 |

Areas of Expertise

Physical geography, periglacial geomorphology, arctic science, climate change

Jerry Miner

Jerry Miner

Professor Emeritus, Economics Department

315 Maxwell Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Public economics, human resources economics, school finance

Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern

Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3987 |

Areas of Expertise

Food systems, immigration and racial justice, agrarian political ecology, labor movements, environmental and agricultural policy

Areas of Expertise

Cultural and political economy of landscape, social theory, labor, geographies of power and marginalization, Marxism

Devashish Mitra

Devashish Mitra

Professor and Chair, Economics Department

Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs

Senior Research Associate, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

Senior Research Associate, South Asia Center

340 Eggers Hall | 315.443.6143 |

Areas of Expertise

International trade, political economy, development economics, Indian economy

Areas of Expertise

International trade, supply chains, U.S.-China trade

Mark Monmonier

Mark Monmonier

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Geography and the Environment Department

318 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.5641 |

Areas of Expertise

Geographic information (technology, policy and societal role), history of cartography in the 20th century (esp. innovation and intellectual property), map design, environmental mapping

Shannon Monnat

Shannon Monnat

Professor, Sociology Department

Lerner Chair in Public Health Promotion and Population Health, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Director and Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Co-Director, Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2692 |

Areas of Expertise

Rural demography, social and structural determinants of health and health disparities, spatial differences in morbidity and mortality

Jennifer Karas Montez

Jennifer Karas Montez

University Professor, Sociology Department

Gerald B. Cramer Faculty Scholar in Aging Studies

Director, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Co-Director of the Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab

314H Lyman Hall | 315.443.9064 |

Areas of Expertise

Demography, political economy and population health, life course and aging

Glyn Morgan

Glyn Morgan

Associate Professor, Political Science Department

Director, Center for European Studies

540 Eggers Hall | 315.443.8678 |

Areas of Expertise

Political theory, European Union

Anne E. Mosher

Anne E. Mosher

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment Department

404C Maxwell Hall | 315.443.1510 |

Areas of Expertise

Urban planning and geographies of infrastructure, crisis and disaster management, public scholarship and community engagement, digital humanities

Tessa Murphy

Tessa Murphy (on research leave AY24-25)

Associate Professor, History Department

520 Eggers Hall | 315.443.5456 |

Areas of Expertise

The Atlantic World, the early Americas in comparative perspective, the colonial Caribbean, slavery and race, the Age of Revolutions

Areas of Expertise

National security, international relations, military and defense strategy, leadership

Tina Nabatchi

Tina Nabatchi

Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration

Director and Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

400F Eggers Hall | 315.443.8994 |

Areas of Expertise

Public management, policy and law; public participation; collaborative governance; conflict resolution

Areas of Expertise

Population and settlement geography, diet and nutrition, human geography of Africa, prehistory

Areas of Expertise

Information technology policy; international relations; the politics of gender, race, and ethnic identity

Shannon Novak

Shannon A. Novak

Professor, Anthropology Department

Senior Research Associate, South Asia Center

316A Maxwell Hall / 406 Lyman Hall (lab) | 315.443.4347 |

Areas of Expertise

Body and society, new materialism, anthropology of knowledge, historical bioarchaeology, gender, ritual, necropolitics, North America, Indo-Caribbean diaspora

Inge O'Connor
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Inge O'Connor

Teaching Professor, Economics Department

110F Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Labor economics, public finance

(Pronouns: He, Him)

Karl Offen

Professor, Geography and the Environment Department

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Board Member, Program on Latin America and the Caribbean

121 Eggers Hall | 315.443.5821 |

Areas of Expertise

Historical geography, political ecology, Latin America and the Caribbean, Atlantic world, map studies

Areas of Expertise

Management, collaborative governance, sustainability, public budgeting 

Sean O'Keefe

Sean O'Keefe

University Professor

Phanstiel Chair in Leadership

Distinguished Senior Advisor, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

309 Eggers Hall | 315.443.8583 |

Areas of Expertise

Public management, national security policy and strategy, public finance and public budgeting, financial management, technology development and innovation management, executive leadership