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Maxwell School Faculty

Areas of Expertise

Renaissance Italy, early modern social and cultural history, Venice

Stuart Rosenthal

Stuart Rosenthal

Professor Emeritus, Economics Department

Maxwell Advisory Board Professor of Economics

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Areas of Expertise

Urban economics, state and local public economies, real estate finance and housing

Michah Rothbart

Michah W. Rothbart

Associate Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2868 |

Areas of Expertise

Nonprofit and public financial management, public budgeting, education policy

Alexander Rothenberg

Alexander Rothenberg

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Areas of Expertise

Urban economics, development economics, applied econometrics

Robert A. Rubinstein

Robert A. Rubinstein

Distinguished Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Anthropology Department

Professor, International Relations

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

Senior Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies Program

405A Maxwell Hall | 315.443.3837 |

Areas of Expertise

Peace, conflict and international security, medical anthropology and public health, methods, history and theory

Mark Rupert

Mark Rupert

Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

410A Maxwell Hall | 315.443.1748 |

Areas of Expertise

International relations, political economy, politics of globalization, right-wing populism politics of globalization

Areas of Expertise

Economic restructuring, labor and the automobile industry, labor market processes and policies, regional development

Chie Sakakibara

Chie Sakakibara

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment Department

144D Eggers Hall | 315.443.3679 |

Areas of Expertise

Indigenous geographies, environmental humanities, humanistic geography, Arctic studies

Shane Sanders

Shane Sanders

Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Professor, Sport Management, Falk College

Areas of Expertise

Public choice, social choice, applied game theory, microeconomic theory

Rebecca Schewe

Rebecca Schewe

Associate Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.9894 |

Areas of Expertise

Environmental and natural resource sociology

Mark Schmeller

Mark Schmeller

Associate Professor, History Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

310 Eggers Hall | 315.443.4639 |

Areas of Expertise

United States political and intellectual history, 18th and 19th centuries, communications history, legal history, political thought, Atlantic World

Larry D. Schroeder

Larry D. Schroeder

Professor Emeritus, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Maxwell Professor of Teaching Excellence

Senior Research Associate, South Asia Center

334 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2596 |

Areas of Expertise

State and local public finance, financial management

Tammy Schultz

Tammy Schultz

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

Director of National Security and Professor of Strategic Studies, U.S. Marine Corps War College

202.550.3921 |

Areas of Expertise

National strategy, defense, geopolitics, civilian instruments of power, civilian-military relations, counterinsurgency, ethnic conflict and civil war, ground forces, stability and reconstruction operations

Areas of Expertise

Public economics, economics of education, urban economics, health economics

Areas of Expertise

Advocate of Native North Americans and their rights, Navajo reservation, issues of representation, personhood, organ transplantation, blood transfusion, medical and religious pluralism.

Milton C. Sernett

Milton C. Sernett

Professor Emeritus, History Department

Professor Emeritus, African American Studies, College of Arts & Sciences

200 Sims Hall | 315.443.4302 |

Areas of Expertise

African American religious history, slavery and abolition

Yüksel Sezgin

Yüksel Sezgin

Associate Professor, Political Science Department

Research Affiliate, South Asia Center

100F Eggers Hall | 315.443.4431 |

Areas of Expertise

Legal pluralism; informal justice systems; comparative religious law (Islamic, Jewish and Hindu); human and women’s rights in the context of the Middle East, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Martin S. Shanguhyia

Martin S. Shanguhyia

Associate Professor, History Department

Director, Maxwell African Scholars Union

524 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3829 |

Areas of Expertise

Africa; Eastern Africa

Naomi Shanguhyia photo
(Pronouns: She, Her)

James Roger Sharp

James Roger Sharp

Professor Emeritus, History Department

313B Maxwell Hall | 315.443.9649 |

Areas of Expertise

American political history, early national and middle period, 1789-1860

Ying Shi

Ying Shi

Assistant Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Areas of Expertise

Economics of education, labor economics, political economy

Takumi Shibaike
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Takumi Shibaike

Assistant Professor, Political Science Department

410A Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Global Environmental Politics, NGOs, Global Governance, Civil Society Activism

Abdulaziz Shifa

Abdulaziz Shifa

Associate Professor, Economics Department

117 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3802 |

Areas of Expertise

Economic growth, development, political economy

Saba Siddiki

Saba Siddiki

Professor and Director of the M.P.A. Program, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Chapple Family Professor of Citizenship and Democracy

Director, Center for Policy Design and Governance

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Areas of Expertise

Policy design, implementation, and compliance; collaborative policymaking; institutional analysis; sustainability technology and behavior; environmental policy; food policy


Merril Silverstein

Professor and Chair, Sociology Department

Professor, Human Development and Family Science, Falk College

Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor in Aging

Faculty Associate, Aging Studies Institute

314 Lyman Hall | 315.443.3969 |

Areas of Expertise

Aging, family, intergenerational relationships, demographic, policy and cultural contexts, quantitative methods

Perry Singleton

Perry Singleton

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Areas of Expertise

Public finance, health economics

Theresa Singleton

Theresa Singleton

Professor, Anthropology Department

209B Maxwell Hall | 315.443.2435 |

Areas of Expertise

Historical archaeology, African American history and culture, slavery in plantation America, archaeology of the African diaspora

Areas of Expertise

International relations theory, security studies, U.S. foreign policy, political methodology


Stephan Stohler

Associate Professor, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

Research Affiliate, South Asia Center

321 Eggers Hall |

Jeffrey M. Stonecash

Jeffrey M. Stonecash

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department

315.443.3629 |

Areas of Expertise

Political parties, realignment of their electoral bases, the impact of changing alignments on the nature of policy debates

Jennifer Stromer-Galley

Jennifer Stromer-Galley

Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

Senior Research Associate, Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry

Senior Research Associate, Autonomous Systems Policy Institute

Hinds 220 | 315.443.1823 |

Areas of Expertise

Digital politics, e-government, online deliberation, influence and leadership in social media, decision-making and behavior in games.

Areas of Expertise

Political ecology, international development, water governance, climate change, environmental justice, sustainability, citizenship, human rights, decolonizing, transnational feminisms, South Asia

Emily Sydnor

Emily Sydnor

Associate Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Political Science Department

Research Affiliate, Institute for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship

Associate Professor, Communications, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Junko Takeda

Junko Takeda

Professor, History Department

Chair, Citizenship and Civic Engagement

Daicoff Faculty Scholar

139 Eggers Hall | 315.443.5868 |

Areas of Expertise

Early modern European history, early modern France, Mediterranean world, early modern connected and global histories, migration, citizenship, race, history of medicine

Margaret Talev

Kramer Director, Institute for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship

Professor of Practice, Magazine, News and Digital Journalism, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Areas of Expertise

Russian politics, comparative politics, security studies

Robert Terrell

Robert Terrell

Assistant Professor, History Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for European Studies

532 Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Modern Germany and Europe, commodity and food history, global and transnational history, the history of Islam and Muslims in Europe.

(Pronouns: She, Her)

Britt Tevis

Assistant Professor, History Department

Phyllis Backer Professor of Jewish Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

119 Eggers Hall |